Dr. Daisy Robinton- "Ovaries are the key to female longevity"

Video from this Year’s (December, 2023) Longevity Summit at the Buck Institute. More details here: Highlights from the 2023 Longevity Summit

Related Reading: The Biggest Breakthrough in Longevity May Start With Menopause


So if we can rejuvenate ovaries, women can live longer? Great idea.

And I think rapamycin may accomplish similar outcomes via a different mechanism (so perhaps they are complimentary approaches).


Last June, Daisy Robinton addressed the new graduates of UCLA’s molecular, cell, and developmental biology program from home via Zoom. Long blond hair swept to one side, smile wide, sunny, and luminous through the screen, she exuded warmth even as she shared the serious lessons of her journey from walking in their shoes as a UCLA biology student to obtaining her PhD at Harvard to becoming a biopharma startup CEO. Then, still smiling, she paused her own story and dropped on the young graduates a question that could drive their careers.

“What are you furious about?” she asked.

Robinton herself is furious about the fact that science and medicine have spent decades mostly ignoring more than half of the population: women.