Dr. Attia on Taurine

Taurine effects the gaba system in the brain. It is used by some persons to improve sleep.

Since our brains are wired in a personalized way, I am not surprised that T can have your effect on some persons.


what? we have personalised brains?
Thats really strange :rofl:

thanks, didn’t know that with gaba.

Just a quick notice:
I do not have any adverse events like before, if I take taurine at the evening. That’s the solution at least in my case.

But … after 4 days of trying: I didn’t noticed anything. Should I? Does anyone?


Taurine is a senomorphic that prevents senescent cells from forming. That should cause less inflammation. You may be able to pick it up in a blood test. It also helps with sleep. There are other benefits as well.

As for feeling it, I’m not sure how to measure that.


I was hoping that it will increase excercise performence or maybe sleep quality. I have read (in some papers) that it might. My first try (before doing sports in the morning) was promising.

Did you have any good study for T as a senomorpohic at hand? It wasn’t mentioned in “Effects and Mechanisms of Taurine as a Therapeutic Agent” and I’m wondering why.

Please see this guide on Taurine



Taurine levels are, however, a symptom of the failure of homeostasis which is a failure of gene expression. Hence although fixing this has an effect which is probably (dose dependent) beneficial, it is not fixing aging. (unlike fixing the mitochondria and acetyl-coa levels).


Nothing so far has fixed aging in humans which is why this kind of argument will lead us nowhere.


I just saw a research presentation last week on how taurine binds to GABA receptors and is a major factor in reducing hyperactivity in mice: the experiment showed that with taurine-deficient “knock out” mice they were hyperactive, but supplementation with taurine significantly reduced their hyperactivity (measured in mental performance, maze running, and actions). Im not a mouse psychologist (or a human psychologist) but it sounds like the mice reaction was the opposite of what you see. I dont think the research has yet been published so no reference available.


I have the impression that I can not think “clear/streight” when I take taurine in the morning. Also about one or two hours after taking it. It was horrible at work when trying to think about issues.
I stopped taking it on weekdays. And yes I also only take it in the evening now.


I love the anecdote of the 82 yo lady who couldn’t play tennis anymore. After taking Taurine, she was back on the court!



Those who are interested.

The person speaking is Dr. Mark Rosenberg MD.


Easy enough to try! Right now I take 2g per day. I’ll push it to 10 and see if I feel like Superman w/diarrhea (Super Diarrhea Man?):laughing:. UP, UP AND A UH OH


Hmmm… been on Taurine for awhile on my second bag… ordered it from Amazon.

I put in my morning coffee… one teaspoon, so about 5.6 grams.

Maybe up it to 2 teaspoons after listening to Dr. Mark Rosenberg. Thanks.


How is your experiment with Taurine going? In my case, T has a small positive effect on my maximal performance in endurance activities. I find that T is an additive (performance enhancing supplement) to coffee. I have coffee with 1.5 grams two hours before maximal effort, or Coffee with 0.5–0.7 grams 30 minutes before exercise.


I’m not pretty sure. Seems compareable to your results but I’m absolutely over-worked ATM, so I can’t be sure if it is Taurine or just a little recovery.
I’m on 5-6g 1h befor going to bed. If I’m exhausted from sports it seems that I have a faster recovery or just feeling lesser exhausted or so.

I don’t think that I have performance gains like feeling in the first place.

But I have seen enough to ask my mother to try it and eventually include it in my shop.

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Has anyone here received anything like the benefits that Dr. Rosenberg describes in the video?

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I’ve been taking 8g per day for about four months now, and haven’t noticed any effects at all.

I guess you could take it as a sign that you are incredibly healthy/young. :wink:

Maybe I need to practice more stoicism. :slight_smile: