I’m skeptical of any commentary by a person who says something is “miracle grow for mitochondria”. seems to be in hype mode.
Related Discussions:
Here: Mitochondrial peptides
Am taking with humanin later in the year, haven’t tried yet - but has entered my longevity stack spreadsheet
MOT-C sounds very interesting but I’m not taking injections (yet) so most peptides are off the table for me.
I’d love to try MOT-S but a 5 week cycle of 10mg per week costs around $550
Yes, I have it in the fridge. Will try it when I finish a round of SS-31.
Energy levels…
10mg twice a day is his ideal dose (the doses for real effects are very expensive, highly unstable and quickly degraded
Insulin sensitivity
Ampk activation
Exercise mimetic
$5.10-7.60 per 10 mg from overseas
MOTS-C adds at least 0.5 mph to my max run speed doing Norwegian 4x4 and I feel like I can go forever.
From Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation
MOTS-c.pdf (450.8 KB)
CB4211 (MOTS-C) clinical trial, dosing 0.2 to 3 mg/kg/day:
Do the effects go away after you stop?
In terms of performance gains for me, yes, which is why I don’t buy it anymore. Maybe I didn’t run it long enough to see if it would actually result in persistent cardio performance improvements. I’d rather use tirzepatide for fat loss.
Functionally, it seems like a (maybe) non-carcinogenic version of Cardarine.
MOTS-c is not unstable and does not degrade quickly.
@AgentSmith “I feel like I can go forever”
Me too.
The spike in energy may be transient. I don’t know for sure. But MOTS-c does so much more in terms of gene expression and cellular metabolism. You should look at the CohBar papers posted by @AgentSmith. A lot its effects seem to be age-dependent, meaning that the older you are, the more you will benefit.
Agree. Testing has debunked that claim.
"$5.10-7.60 per 10 mg from overseas
which peptide sites?
omg this feels like bioshock
MOTS-C 10mg | 99% Pure Research Peptide | PeptideTech – Peptide Tech says $50 from 10mg
https://www.peptidesciences.com/mots-c-5mg is $65 for 5 mg
BUT https://www.reddit.com/r/PeptideGuide/comments/1du50ya/4th_of_july_sales_from_popular_rc_vendors_in_one/ has the cheapest MOTS-c I can find (still not as cheap as what he mentiomed above??
Injectable carnitine 500mg 30 min pre running is a cheap and effective performance enhancer. Besides the infection risk from the injection, also pretty safe I would think.
I’ve come close to purchasing that in the past. Have you used it with success? Does it produce lasting results if used consistently over a period of time?
(For anybody reading, carnitine is not to be confused with the cardarine that I mentioned earlier.)
I would describe it’s effect as making training “smoother” / it feels just a little easier to push hard. If it produces lasting effects, that I can’t say yet, I have now used it around 4 times per week for 6 weeks, on my 2 endurance training days and on my leg & back strength training days. My strength is now where I want it to be, so now I am going to keep using it on my endurance days, because I am beginning to dislike the IM injections.
It sounds like it is worth a try. I wonder if it has to be IM or if subq is okay. Maybe I will get a vial.
Just injected 10ml or 10 units. 5ml is enough to dissolve it all. God the injection hurt but I’ll do less next time (it was hard to get the liquid into the 2nd syringe until it was 10ml
Enough to remember, not enough to suffer for too long, I mowed the lawn after