DIY Rapamycin Toothpaste and Flossing Paste

Reactive oxygen species


Sol, I like your idea. It appears to be less messy than the method I’ve been using. Tell me how much (of each) of Rapamycin, water, and transcutol you use in your rapa serum and how many drops you put on your toothpaste. That will save me the time required to think through the problem. Yes! I’m the typical male … lazy!

I think I’ve posted this serum formula before, but can’t find it. Here you go:

Crush five 1mg rapa pills into very fine powder. (I started with spoon and bowl, and now I use motar and pestle.) Add 1 tsp transcutol. (Careful with transcutol because it can ruin all kind of finishes. I measure over the sink and rinse well.) I use glass (with glass dropper) for serum rather than risk transcutol and rapa in plastic. (Yes, transcutol ships in plastic, but I’m ignoring that for now. Maybe I should transfer it to glass when I get it shipped to me?) Let rapa and transcutol sit for a bit to dissolve. (I have found contrary opinions about whether this step matters, and my serum still has grit.) Add 2 tsp distilled water. Shake before each use.

I like my formulas as simple as possible, so I’m always looking for the minimalist approach. LMK if you improve on this in any way.


Nice! Can i ask what kind of serum you use? This is for your face. right? And what is the amount of serum? Im trying to figure out the percentage of rapa solution to mix with a nice skin cream. Thanks for posting!

If I understand your question correctly, @Pupcuts , serum is the resulting liquid from the recipe I provided above. If I were basing my formula on cream rather than water, I’d replace the water with cream.

Definition #2, Serum Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

a usually lightweight cosmetic preparation especially for use on the face

specifically : a typically water-based, often concentrated preparation that lacks lubricating and thickening agents

Whoops, my bad. Let me rephrase my question please. Im trying to figure out what percentage of a rapa solution to use in the stuff I want to put on my skin.

So you use 5 one mg, pills crushed up and mixed with 1 tsp. transcutol and then you only add 2 tsp. of distilled water. So in your whole batch is 3 tsp. of liquid. Using the @RapAdmin recipe, one teaspoon is 5 grams, so 3 teaspoons would be 15 grams. 5 divided by 15 would come out to .33%?
I know with the toothpaste anywhere between 0.1% up to 2% is used. I am wondering if you know or have read what a good solution percentage might be for anything you put on your skin. Thanks!

I aim for no more than 30% transcutol. I use the serum as I described. On my skin. A drop or two on my toothpaste before brushing. Hope this helps.

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I just got my transcutol and this is on my to do list!

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