Direct supplementation with Urolithin A overcomes limitations of dietary exposure and gut microbiome variability

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This is about Mitopure, which Iā€™ve been intrigued by. Has anyone lese used it? You need to know the composition of your gut microbiome to see if you need to supplement with it

Notably, all taxa that were significantly different between the non-producer and low producer group were also significantly different between the non-producer and high UA producer group. High producers showed even larger differences, as 57 MGSs and 33 taxa (14 genera, 15 families, 4 phyla) had significantly different abundance or prevalence in the high producer group compared with the no producer group (Supplementary Fig. 4). In particular, a high abundance of species belonging to the Clostridiales and Ruminococcaceae family was found in the high UA producer group. Of note was also the increased abundance of Akkermansia muciniphilia in the microbial high UA producer group compared to the low and non-producers


I took the Timeline Uro A and did not notice anything positive or negative. Going to try some PureEncapsuation next.

I have been taking this for about three months. I bought a yearā€˜s supply to reduce the cost. Ageless has recently started selling a hopefully similar product at a lower cost. So far the effect has been very similar to rapamycin and the other supplements I take. I notice nothing favorable or unfavorable. But even if you are one of the ones who can produce it naturally, you would never want to consume the quantity of pomegranate juice required to produce a similar level.


Pure Encapsulations sells a stand alone UA supplement?!

They call it ā€œRenUAlā€. Itā€™s not just ua though.

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A very good video about Urolithin A

Both Brian Kennedy and Matt Kaeberlein have mentioned it in recent videos as one of the more promising molecules.