Dasatinib/Fisetin Protocol Revisited

I’m thinking of starting the Dasatinib Fisetin protocol below:

100 mg Dasatinib; Fisetin 2000 mg for two consecutive days every other month.

Doing this based on some of the info I’ve seen online from Dr. Green.

Anyone have any experience and/or insights into this protocol?

Have you located an inexpensive source for dasatinib?

The least expensive source I located is $269.00 per 100mg tablet, cash price.

Hi Joseph. I’ve had two quotes in from Indian pharmacies where I sourced my Rapamycin. For 60 tablets of 50mg one was $36, the other was $37. That is considerably cheaper.

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IAS (no commercial interest) has link for product made in EU $70 for 12 x 20 mg tabs,

Although (I gather) people have used Indian sources for drugs successfully, if you do some research you may find that the risk is not worth it. I am conservative, and would not touch any drugs made in India (unless I had no other choice).

Anyone sourced a reasonable price yet for the Dasatinib? Has anyone checked the prices in Turkey or in central Europe?

In the US, I was quoted $17K for 100mg 30tabs and it seems a bit ridiculous.

Went on holiday to eastern europe, and was quoted $800 for Sprycel 70mg 60 tabs, $630 for 50mg 60 tabs.
They also sell generic “Dasakast” for $190, 70mg 60tabs , $110 50mg 60 tabs, but its an India generic.

So I’m thinking Turkey must be at least half that. If someone goes on holiday there please check the prices for it. I will check myself if I go to Turkey sometime soon. Also need to confirm the above prices are still valid.


If you have not already seen the interview with LIsanti, take the time to review.

Azithromycin is a much better Senolytic than Dasatinib. Record over 90% reduction.

As he ran testing with several different compounds, including Dasatinib


I got some from India early last year from Jagdish Nikose, RL Pharma,rlhealthcare1928@gmail.com

You can get any of the normal strengths, 20, 50, 70 100mg.

I don’t remember how much difference the price for the different strengths was.

I ordered in Jan 22, so I the ones I received were relatively new with over a year to go for the exp date.

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Good to know as azithromycin is another drug that I inadvertently ordered a lifetime supply of. :sweat_smile: