Current State of the Longevity / Geroscience Market

What are your thoughts?

Since the Altos Labs announcement earlier in the year, it feels a little like this right now:

from Imgflip Meme Generator

But at the same time - given the poor showing of Nicotinomide Riboside in the NIA ITP studies (no lifespan improvement for NR), it also feels like this may be true for many of the longevity enthusiasts:

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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Some nice meme-fu there.

Agree that cellular reprogramming is the topic du jour currently.

It has the potential to yield a lot more benefits than rapamycin, or any other treatment currently. So that’s quite exciting.

However, in the interim, we’ve got to live long and healthy enough for the research to complete and viable treatments to come to market. Cue rapamycin usage.

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yes - cellular reprogramming seems to have great potential, but I suspect it will be decades before anything that people can actually use, if its even successful. And, if it is successful and therapies make it through the FDA, what will be the cost?

There are a lot of drugs like rapamycin that may very effective, and cheap, in the immediate term. This has to be the top priority for the next decade I think.

Blood factors seem to be the next closest to clinical use, and that looks very positive and won’t cost $100,000+ (at least for a single dose) or $ millions.

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Agree that it’s important to focus on the right here right now. Especially when rapa is off patent, thus affordable to the masses, and the side effect profile is low and relatively well known at this point.

Regarding other things that are cheap and effective, mangan150 on Twitter has me leaning in the direction of regular blood donations (or therapeutic phlebotomies where the blood gets tossed if one isn’t eligible to donate it) - of the order of a couple times per year - for reasons that include:

  • Decreased iron stores (ferritin)
  • Decreased hematocrit (ratio of red blood cells to total blood volume)
  • Increased proportion of new red blood cells to old
  • Decreased viscosity (possibly downstream of some of the above points)