CRP response to infection

CRP reflects IL-6 levels in the body. IL-6 in part comes from SASP, but also results from infection.

Hence the CRP level represents a mixture of the effect of senescence and recent infection. Hence if you keep an eye on the level of CRP you can get a picture as to the aggregate burden of senescence.

In the UK the units of mg/L are used and in the USA often mg/dL. I am not sure which countries follow the USA or UK.

I have the advantage of weekly blood tests so I can see what happens to CRP on a weekly basis and I thought as I have just gone through a response to infection people might like to see my results. I have just got results in from last week which gives me a return to “too low to measure”.

Here’s the one just in

06/09/2023 <0.3
12/09/2023 2.36
last weeks hot stress
21/09/2023 0.446
27/09/2023 <0.3

Here’s an earlier one.

01-Dec-22 <0.16
07-Dec-22 0.4
painful inflamed right leg and slight cold
13-Dec-22 0.22
06-Jan-23 1.71
11/01/2023 0.8
on its way down
19/01/2023 0.25
25-Jan-23 0.21
31-Jan-23 0.21
08-Feb-23 =0
15/02/2023 <0.3

Different labs have different minima and I have one lab that goes down to 0.16 and another that goes down to 0.15.

Sadly most can only measure as low as 0.3.

However, I think you can see a pattern where it drops reasonably rapidly to start out with, but then between 0.3 and 0.15 it takes a few weeks.

CRP is used logarithmically in Levine.

My own personal view is that it is one of the best guides as to senescent cell load, but you have to take sufficient measurements to exclude any effect of infection.


Move along, nothing to see here.


Rapa is about making mitochondria more efficient rather than senescence. It may be that it has also reduced the immune system a bit. Rapa is not a total solution.

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Tnx for the data. BTW it was my reading that Homocysteine reflected both inflammation and the bodies fighting some stressor (infection). So you adding CRP rising/falling is new to me and similar to homocysteine.

My CRP is usually under 1.0 and homocysteine over 9ish some times in the teens. I don’t test often enough (like you) to correlate to health events.

Similarly; I’ve heard that men’s PSA might also have a component related to systemic inflammation. I have no idea the mechanism and is hearsay. But does go along with smaller inflammation numbers are better.

I take ALOT of anti inflammatories (for better or worse); boswalia, ginger (alot), curcumin (BPC-90??), and several versions of fish oils with and without proresolving factors to do what is possible re infections and inflammation sources.

Off topic; I have read and experienced that for me boswalia can have an anti-erection effect inspite of taking NOx boosters and 2.5mg - 5mg cialis daily. So watch out for too much boswalia or its dose timing. My wife is horrified at my mountain of nutricals / daily (Bryan Johnson ish) and says nothing comes free, everything is a “drug”… ;(


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Prostate Problems of which one symptom is high PSA are driven at least in part (how big a part I don’t know, but it may be the major part) by aberrant splicing which arises from “systemic inflammation” which I think is actually IL-10. IL-6 causes CRP and IL-6 and IL-10 are part of SASP. However, IL-6 is also caused by other things hence a single CRP measurement may not indicate the senescent cell load and “systemic inflammation”, but a more recent inflammatory response.