Coffee linked to Longevity

That may be the benefit. But there are compounds that are somewhat toxic, that are removed when the coffee is poured through a good filter. See below:

Norwegian researchers gathered health data on 508,747 men and women 20 to 79 years old and followed them for an average of 20 years. The participants also reported the type and quantity of coffee they drank — filtered through paper or brewed using unfiltered methods like French press or espresso.

Drinking filtered coffee was associated with a 15 percent reduction in the risk of dying prematurely from any cause in both men and women. But rates were lower when the coffee was unfiltered: Men who drank unfiltered coffee had a 4 percent reduction, and women a 9 percent reduction.

Compared with unfiltered coffee, filtered coffee was associated with a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, ischemic heart disease or stroke. The lowest mortality was among those who drank one to four cups a day. The study, in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, controlled for many other cardiovascular risk factors.

Unfiltered coffee contains much higher concentrations of cholesterol-raising phytochemicals called diterpenes than does filtered coffee, which may explain at least part of the effect.


Indeed, this was the research I was referring to, and the reason I’ve used a paper filter since I first read this research. I’ve been thinking of simply adding a chlorogenic acid supplement - or rather: a supplement with a green coffee bean extract. But with all the coffee I’m drinking I’d be slightly worried about the amount of caffeine I’d be ingesting. (Not to mention I already take too many supps).


Not sure how much I believe this. Does anyone care to pick it apart?

Interestingly, coffee purchased from Starbucks had an extremely low chlorogenic acid content, which contributed significantly to widening the range. The Starbucks coffee averaged ten times lower than the others. Could it be that Starbucks roasts its beans more? Indeed, the more you roast, the less chlorogenic acid content there is; chlorogenic acid content appears to be partially destroyed by roasting. Caffeine is pretty stable, but a dark roast may wipe out nearly 90 percent of the chlorogenic acid content of the beans.

Ugh. I use Starbucks exclusively. And I love a dark roast. :frowning: Anyone recommend a good brand?

Milk added to tea or coffee is bad…

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I’m on my way out so I can’t look it up now, but I mean to remember there is similar research with regard to milk or yoghurt added to blueberries. This research suggested dairy can stop the polyphenols from blueberries from being absorbed. It was the reason I stopped eating my blueberries with yoghurt a long time ago. (Albeit I started eating a vegan diet not long thereafter).

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does higher LDL particle density reduce LDL count? (b/c more of it gets packaged into the higher-density particles?)

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Could anyone recommend a high cholorogenic acid coffee (preferably dark roast) that I can order from Amazon or another online vendor? I would truly appreciate it!


I just found Mt Hagen instant organic coffee. The crystals here are SUPER-clean compared to instant coffee I’ve seen from other brands… It is a bit more expensive than other coffee, but still nothing compared to Starbucks coffee (still just cents per cup of coffee). In a glass-jar so fewer microplastic risks from microplastic-coffee-brewers.

There is wide variance in acrylamide levels in coffee brands (esp instant coffee brands). Keep in mind that most instant coffee is “shitty” and high-acrylamide, and contaminates the anti-mortality results of all instant coffee brands. Instant coffee also doesn’t have diterpenes.

Starbucks instant coffee also seems “cleaner” than other instant coffee brands.

FWIW, over 5-6 cups of coffee/day increases dementia risk (tho who drinks that much?)

Also I suspect A LOT of the effect comes from appetite suppression. It’s SO easy for coffee to reduce calorie intake by more than 10-15%.


Combining tea with coffee - Drinking green tea and coffee daily linked to lower death risk in people with diabetes: 4 or more cups of green tea and 2 or more of coffee linked to 63% lower all cause mortality -- ScienceDaily (I mean just put a teabag into coffee)

The risk of death was even lower for those who drank both green tea and coffee every day: 51% lower for 2-3 cups of green tea plus 2 or more of coffee; 58% lower for 4 or more cups of green tea plus 1 cup of coffee every day; and 63% lower for a combination of 4 or more cups of green tea and 2 or more cups of coffee every day.

Figure 1


10-15 cups A DAY?!?!?!? Isn’t that a crazy shitload of caffeine? How do you avoid tolerance?


I believe that more than 4 cups a day increases your chances of Alzheimers disease .

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Cheaper and more convenient form of glycine.


The sweet spot seems to be three to five cups per day.

“The findings of the previous studies are somewhat inconsistent, but most studies (3 out of 5) support coffee’s favorable effects against cognitive decline, dementia or AD. In addition, two studies had combined coffee and tea drinking and indicated some positive effects on cognitive functioning. For tea drinking, protective effects against cognitive decline/dementia are still less evident. In the CAIDE study, coffee drinking of 3-5 cups per day at midlife was associated with a decreased risk of dementia/AD by about 65% at late-life.”


Cheaper and more convenient form of glycine.

I agree JuanDaw!

As my glycine pills are almost out… I too ordered the powder… pretty cheap 1000 mg a scoop. 1000 servings. No filler.

Every morning in my coffee with Collagen and A-AKG. Definitely set for a while. Thanks.


But new research shows that paper cup of joe you grab off the coffeehouse counter contains another ingredient, and it’s one you might not care for – trillions of tiny plastic particles that leach into your hot java from the cup’s plastic lining.

Single-use paper coffee cups are lined with a thin plastic film that helps keep liquids hot and prevent them from leaking through the cardboard.

That lining releases more than 5 trillion plastic nanoparticles per liter when hot liquid is poured into a 12-ounce single-use cup, according to lab results published recently in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. A liter is about 34 fluid ounces.


Great to know… glad I make my own coffee in a ceramic coffee cup.


possible alternative for disposable coffee cups - Sustainable and Alternative to PE layer inside the paper cups | OptiCycle

How about the standard-issue drip coffee makers that are a staple in so many homes? Not recommended, in our opinion. You’re boiling up water in a plastic tank, just like a plastic kettle. It’s not uncommon to hear stories of a strong plastic taste in the first few batches of coffee made with a brand-new drip coffee maker.[23](javascript:void(0)) Practically all of them have lots of plastic parts, and most importantly, a plastic water storage and heating tank: perfect for chemicals to leach from the plastic into the boiling water. We have come across only one electric drip coffee maker that does not have any plastic parts at all. The Ratio Eight is made of borosilicate glass, aluminum and black walnut wood, and it’s stunningly beautiful. We are not fans of aluminum, and this is one pricey machine (about $600), but if you absolutely want to have an electric drip coffee maker and are willing to trade one toxin for another (plastic chemicals vs aluminum), it may be for you


So here it is straight up: the ubiquitous disposable plastic coffee pods—such as the K-Cup—are a plastic scourge. The amount of them usedannually when placed end-to-end is estimated to be enough to circle the globe 10.5 times.[24](javascript:void(0)) About 10 billion K-Cups were sold in 2014 alone and sales have increased since. And most end up in landfills. But also, do you really want to be drinking your morning espresso—or tea for that matter—that was brewed at boiling temperatures in a tiny, inevitably leaching plastic cup? While some recyclable and reusable options are appearing, most are still made of a plastic and aluminum mix, which can’t be effectively recycled. To recycle them, the hot coffee grounds, the filter, the lids and the plastic in every pod would have to be separated every time. That just doesn’t happen, so they go straight to landfills.

There has been a fair bit of backlash against these systems. The city of Hamburg, Germany has banned plastic coffee pods.[25](javascript:void(0)) The anti-K-Cup movement has been spurred on by a video called “Kill the K-Cup,” which went viral and spawned the popular hashtag #killthekcup.[26](javascript:void(0))Despite the backlash, coffee pod systems are as popular as ever because of the convenience they offer.

Why not use a porcelain coffee mug?


Caffeic acid increases median lifespan, and maximal lifespan (in mice).