Clinical Trials now easier in the UK

Looks like the UK could be the best place to trial rapamycin…


The article is “Sponsored by the UK Department for Business and Trade and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency”

The UK gov has been saying this for years without much progress so far.

The reality isn’t as good: UK industry clinical trial performance shows signs of improvement, says ABPI report

“While no longer falling, the UK’s position in global clinical trial rankings remains unchanged from last year’s report. The UK came fourth for the number of phase 1 trials (79), sixth for phase two (150), and tenth for the largest and most crucial phase three trials (182), which provide the NHS with the highest income, while also providing the most patents with free cutting edge medication.”

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Fair point. I thought the article interesting because under the new rules a rapamycin trial would be categorized as low risk, and so easier to get away