Canagliflozin for Anti-aging (part 2)


This is encouraging. I have moderately elevated lp(a) and haven’t wanted to take a statin because they can elevate it, so bempedoic acid has been on my research list. Yet bempedoic acid can increase uric acid, so I have been on the fence. Maybe SGLT2 inhibitors are the answer to the serum uric acid side effect.


PCSK9i often lower Lp(a) in a meaningful way if that is something you could access.

phloridzin from apple is a potent SGLT2 inhibitor… Actually dual one

That’s a good thought and if insurance would cover it I might try finding a really aggressive cardiologist to prescribe it, but my cholesterol is otherwise pretty decent without drugs (apoB fluctuates between 52-62, triglycerides below 35, LDL 44+, HDL not horrible at 52). NMR Lipoprofile looks great.

lp(a) is “only” 100, probably elevated because of pushing my triglycerides so low.

I haven’t even bothered trying to find a doctor because I don’t come anywhere close to any standard treatment thresholds. Still, the lp(a) elevates my risk so I’d like to knock LDL down a bit more.