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That’s a good idea with exception that shipping cost plus bank transfer fee are probably over 50% of the order when ordering small amounts. My orders have always been around $200 and have always received them (one was lost but was replaced for free)

Another successful order received from Jagdish to the USA. 400 tabs of Bempedoic Acid Brillo EZ.


I just put in a first time order with Welcome Healthcare, I will report back on how this transaction goes.

It looks like I might have overpaid based on what I just read on this thread.

Received my order today from Jagdish. 16 days from India to the Western U.S.

I learned I can ignore the tracking from USPS until the goods reach the U.S.
customs. My order appeared to be stuck in India and then suddenly appeared on my doorstep.

One other note to those who use WISE: At least in my experience it doesn’t matter to WISE if you use medicines or goods. I use medicines because it saves the step of providing an invoice if you choose good/services.

Customs has no idea what’s in the box because even if I choose medicines the shipping box is labeled “goods”.


I’m not sure I’d worry about that. I ordered small amounts from several different suppliers, to make sure that I had a supply for my cat. I found that some of the most expensive suppliers had the quickest service, and the most convenient payment arrangements. You can always try someone else now that you’ve gotten your feet wet.


Well, most of us “overpay” from time to time, meaning you’ll most likely find another Indian person desperate to make a sale that will give you a better price. But the prices are very cheap to begin with so I’m sure you got e decent price. As an example, I got Jardiance for $.90 a pill and I read somewhere someone bought it for $.65. Both .90 and .65 are a steal.


I appreciate your perspective on this, that is a good way to think about it. I payed $175 total, $125 for 1x100mg sirolimus, $40 for shipping and $10 for paypal’s fee.

Payment was sent via paypal about 3 days ago and am still waiting on the tracking number. Hopefully it is mailed in the next day or so since it probably will be at least 3 weeks before it arrives.

The price I payed was not much cheaper than it would be if I was ordering from Cost Plus, but You are right, I didn’t pay more. It sounds like other pharmaceuticals may have even better regional pricing.

As of now, I am just interested in the rapamycin though.

I have been paying $30 shipping to the UK on a drugs value of $90 (i.e. total cost is $120 or just under £100). I pay in INR with Wise so the transaction fee is miniscule. So even keeping orders small for peace of mind my transaction costs are only about 25%. I have imported other items into the UK (not medicine) which have been over £100 and I have ended up having to pay import duty. I realise there is no duty on drugs but AFAIK it is actually illegal in the UK to send drugs through the post unless they have been sent from a pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription. That’s why I don’t want to open that particular can of worms if at all possible.

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In the UK I have used but unfortunately all these types of places carry very limited meds due to the strict legal restrictions. India is definitely the best place to look that I’ve found with a few exceptions (for example I bought Atorvastatin last summer from when my local NHS pharmacies were unable to fill my prescriptions due to widespread shortages).

I also used Mark Cuban’s Cost plus. My Dr. called in the Rx, good price.


FYI, Oddway Int’l doesn’t accept Wise transfer. They suggest using Revolut, which doesn’t work in Canada… :roll_eyes:

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My experience with Oddway is that are overcharging compared to other vendors. Overall I have had a good experience with Indian vendors. Jagdish Nikose at,
I have used other vendors for items or meds that Jagdish doesn’t sell.


Yes - that is my experience also. They seem to be one of the larger companies in this area, but they also charge the highest prices (or at least in the range of the highest prices).


My wife and I had a negative reaction (seems like small bowel angiodema) to the previous sirilomus I ordered from Impex. I wanted to order from a more reliable pharmacy, so I picked Varun with the intention of ordering Zydus. I put in a request for sirilomus and have not gotten a response. I also wanted to order some ivermectin to have on hand. After requesting that one also, I have 20 messages on whatsapp from indiamart suppliers, and I only gave my information to varun.

It’s been about 24 hours. Should I keep waiting, and do these just go through indiamart?

I’m having the worst time trying to pay Jagdish using WISE. For some reason WISE says “please provide more information about your recipient” but when I put in the name, address, city, post code, and country the “submit” button is grayed out rather than green so I can’t submit the order. I’m using the exact banking details Jagdish sent me (same as you attached on your January 5 post) and WISE customer support has been completely useless about helping me.

Do not take finasteride. There are significantly more risks with the drug than is disclosed. It was discovered because they wanted to identify why a population of of transgender men (male to female) did not develop their prostates and sexual organs. The compound was occurring naturally in their environment. The company that had a patent was less than honest about the flat dose reponse rate, meaning the smaller 1mg dose for hair loss provides nearly the same physiological response as the 5mg prostate cancer dose. Furthermore, while blocking DHT the additional testosterone has no where else to go but estradiol. Everyone manages this differently, but I had a friend that this drug destroyed. Stick with rapa to manage hair loss.

Sorry, I don’t what to tell you, but it’s not the banking details that’s causing the problem
Wise is problematic, but it works for me. I remember having a struggle when I first tried it, but eventually, I figured it out. I really don’t what you are doing wrong. Just give it a few more tries.

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Conspiracy thinking.

It was discovered because they wanted to identify why a population of of transgender men (male to female) did not develop their prostates and sexual organs.

Those men were not transgender, they simply lacked the 5ar2 enzyme since birth.

Furthermore, while blocking DHT the additional testosterone has no where else to go but estradiol.

Both (free) testosterone and estradiol rise by 15%. For most men this is not an issue.

but I had a friend that this drug destroyed.

How would he be “destroyed” if hormone levels normalize within 3 months of cessation of the drug?

Stick with rapa to manage hair loss.

Rapamycin regrows hair in mice, but so does everything. It is, at the moment, at best an adjunctive medication for traditional 5ar blockers. And rapamycin can come with some pretty nasty side effects too, such as infections.


You might want to add Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drugs to the list. Need a prescription, yes, but the price was $1.73 per mg my last order or $311 for 90 2mg tablets. Comes from Ascend Laboratories which is partnered with Alkem in India. You can find a current price on their website calculator, as I believe prices fluctuate.