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Thank you Rap Admin.

May I ask how long it took him to receive payment? I placed an order on 10 September using Wise, it was withdrawn from my bank account in Sept 12, and I asked Jagdish for an update on payment receipt on Sept 16. I asked again yesterday. He has ignored me since I sent payment and I am wondering if I am getting ripped off or if this is normal for him.

It took longer than I expectedā€¦around 2-3 days after the money was sent. The meds (or at least a shipping label) were sent that same day. Itā€™s been a week with no update from the shipper. Fingers crossed.


Well Jagdish replied minutes after I just posted above with a photo of the shipment label on a box, tracking number and history. He said they have the Ganesh festival, indicating that was the reason for the sudden radio silence. I know India is famous for festivals, so Iā€™ll have to look this one up. So far, all appears to be well with the order. This is my first attempt to use an Indiamart seller, and will be my first experiment with Rapamycin.


My order from Jagdish just arrived. I received no tracking updates from EMS after the package left India. Took about 13 days total. $1/mg for biocon sirolimus


TIM, Who did you buy your rapa from?

You can put the EMS tracking number that Jagdish provides into USPS tracking immediately and you will be able to track your shipment from the immediate time it is posted in India.


Just got my order from NIBA which took 2~3 weeks to arrive at my local post office. I ordered 150 1mg Rapacan for $6.50 per 10 tablets plus shipping and transfer fees.


I just received my order from I emailed my request/questions directly to They were very responsive. I was able to pay with PayPal. I didnā€™t negotiate and wanted to see if the first order went smoothly (which it did). Here is what I paid:

2 packs (100 x 1mg) : $200
EMS shipping: $45
PayPal fee: $10
Total: $255


If you shop around a bit, and negotiate (get multiple quotes and get them to match lower prices), the more common price is around $100 for 100 tablets, and $25 for shipping. Next timeā€¦


Thanks. Yep, my plan is to now negotiate down. Cheers.

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I put my tracking number in USPS and itā€™s not changed from ā€˜Tracking Number Createdā€™ for the past week- is this typical from what you guys notice with your orders from Jagdish?

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I did not try the usps tracker. I viewed the $100 as a bet. Win or lose Iā€™d find out something useful. When the meds showed up I was a bit surprised. Jagdish said heā€™d provide updates but did not. Iā€™m pleased to know to make it work. Good luck.

The best tracking sites until it gets into the us as and After it gets through customs the usps tracker tends to be more accurate.


No, I almost always get immediate results after it is posted even if itā€™s stuck in Indian customs.

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Got the same from the USPS, but when I went to india post had more steps/details.

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Interestingā€¦ all my shipments come Speedpost EMS and so I check the Speedpost EMS tracking site and its always been good:


Move along, nothing to see here.


FWIW: As far as I know, you never have to put in a reference number. I think it is for convenience or to verify that you are paying for the proper invoice. I have tried it in the past, not knowing any better, and it just seemed to confuse Wise.

I have bought goods from several different Indian suppliers since and have never put anything in the invoice field. I also now choose medicines from the reason I am sending money menu.

I also only pay in INR by using the current conversion rate used by Wise.

Since I have been doing this, I have never had even a hiccup in making the transactions with Indian medicine suppliers.


Move along, nothing to see here.