Bryan Johnson – The World’s Most Expensive Eating Disorder

This article offers an interesting and measured critique that Bryan Johnson has entered starvation, if not eating disorder territory, and gives an analysis of why this may be. The author is a pseudonymous MD and has done extensive biohacking and experiments on himself.

(Bryan Johnson recently posted that his body temp is now 94.8°F, which makes him mildly hypothermic.)


Someone with that temperature in the ER is typically felt to be critically ill … I’d bill critical care time on him … and actively warm him … just to recognize later, this is how he exists.


An Alien Species.

Just chilling.

I think the “evolutionary psychology” seems a bit like quackery in the article. Brains and behavior is more complicated than what can be explained in such simple ways without any proof or evidence. “It’s that way because evolution”, okay, what’s your proof? Did you show which genes grew the parts of the brains that activate this? That you compared with ancient ancestors? And so on. No proof. You can say caloric restriction increases OCD, that’s an empirical claim that can be tested, but not whatever was in the article IMO.


Cr and rapa caused as well my lower body temp and restlessness. That said I don’t push myself as hard as he does. On a top of this he takes hundred of various supplements and who knows what other medications which altogether must be taking enormous toll on his body. I suspect he hides the damage by posting fake lab results as he is addicted to attention he gets. My predictions is that unless he stops all what he is doing, he will be dead or sustain serious injury < 10 years. it will look a bit bad for longevity field as he is somehow viewed as associated with it.

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Do you have a source for this showing proof for this? @LVareilles has also questioned this up previously.

Polypharmacy seems like a scam trying to scare people from taking supplements / drugs.

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Question for everyone: Why do you guys think his body temperature is as low as it is?

Usually, hypothyroidism causes low body temperature but typically not as low as his. He said he takes thyroid hormone and I’d be very curious to know which one and at what dosage, along with seeing his blood thyroid labs. If he was so hypothyroid, he would probably be too tired to even Tweet.

I think there has to be more to it than thyroid. Any guesses?

He has mentioned it’s because of caloric restriction from baseline calorie intake. Metabolism decreasing?

Could be. Caloric restriction will reduce the active thyroid T3 levels. I really wonder what thyroid hormone he takes. If he is taking the standard T4 (levothyroxine/synthroid), he might not be converting it well enough to active T3 due to the caloric restriction. I wonder if his temp would increase if he took a combination of T4/T3 instead (assuming he isn’t taking the combo already)

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Well as I said before I’m not at all for taking multiple prescription drugs to treat legitimate medical conditions + rapa ( for experimentation one extra drug is enough). I’m strongly against using 100 over the counter supplements as they are not regulated and interactions are unknown. Not against vitamins and minerals + Omega 3s as long as amounts are reasonable and you test your blood levels regularly to assure that you are in optimal range. With everything else you are taking a risk with unknown benefits. I ask you instead show me the studies showing “a source for this showing proof for this?” for supplements you taking.

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It’s you who made the claim that taking 100 supplements is harmful, so you have the burden of proof. No one has proven this but they keep claiming it.

At some point it becomes a lie.

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I don’t think the burden of proof rule works that way. But on the other hand, if you want to take 100 supplements go for it. Just don’t claim it is making you younger, more healthy, live longer, etc. And, if you misrepresent protocols and outcomes (unmentioned steroids, falsified blood tests, hidden functional declines, etc), then you are a bad person who is harming others. In this case “you” is any internet influencer who is making money by selling advice, products, whatever.


Just thinking… Could Bryan Johnson be doing something like what the other Bryan Johnson the Liver King did? They both sell supplements… Thoughts?


This was a topic of conversation on the recent Optispan podcast… nothing is impossible, and its always good to be skeptical: