Brainstorming help for a virus

So why not take a test for lyme, to put the uncertainty away? If positive, then you have to stop taking rapamycin. If negative, then a break is all that is needed.


Yes, that may be a good next step. I have always avoided lyme testing b/c it is very expensive, not covered by insurance, and notoriously inaccurate. Since there aren’t really any good treatments for lyme, it hasn’t seemed worthwhile.

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Ummm… have you considered Epstein Barr Virus… EBV …Mono?

I caught it traveling… about 5 years ago… knocked my energy… liver phosphates was crazy high…

Slow slog back to full health… took 5 months.

You can kinda test for it looking at antibodies.

I was tired, so weak … was even sent to a cancer doctor… for 3 months… blood never found anything… he would say… it could be a virus… or cancer… never found cancer.

Finally I just got better on my own.

Link: About Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) | CDC

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There is some belief … evidence… that long covid… is the reactivation of old EBV virus dormant in you… becomes active again.

Google: Epstein Barr long covid


Review the following, cost $85.00

Look on this forum there was a discount code post for 10% off on all test going through Marek.

See link;


Just tested these. Both of the old infection markers were elevated but not the current infection marker. I’ve now had two doses after skipping 3 while sick, and I’m still feeling poorly. It’s been almost 3 weeks now.

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It seems this may be happening to me. Not sure if I have Covid or not (I haven’t tested yet) but have a fever, slight cough and feel exhausted. I started Rapa about a week ago. 2mg Tuesday and Thursday and 6mg on Saturday with GFJ and EVOO. I missed my Monday workout yesterday because I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Serious muscle aches, feet felt tingly, burning and twice their size (they looked normal) and moving in ultra slow motion. Finally took a pain killer and went to bed yesterday evening. This morning I feel like I might bounce back. This is usually the way with me, even on the extremely rare occasion I start to get sick. I never had Covid so far or anything like that. I did have influenza A around 15 years ago and still remember that. My husband thinks it’s why we never got Covid. Do I take the Rapa today? What do y’all think?

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Wow… This is a really, really high dose schedule and very frequent. What is your weight? Did you take each of those doses with GFJ and EVOO? If you did, that would be a dose equivalence of something like 35mg to 50mg a week… and since you are female, it could be double the mg/kg level compared to a male taking that same dose…

Most women take 3mg to 5mg total, and you are 10X to 50X that level… I really don’t think you want to be taking that much rapamycin!

Why are you taking a dose so many multiples higher than most people? What is the Rapamycin Dose / Dosage for Anti-Aging or Longevity?


It is what I arrived at after reading through everything I could find. I will go back and have a look again, but from what I remember the trend was moving towards bi and tri weekly doses which I have alternated with my workout routine. After researching dosage, my conclusion was that it appeared most were erring on the side of caution when compared to the doses used in the research.

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I think the issue could be that you are interpreting people saying “bi-weekly” as being twice a week, when what they are meaning is once every two weeks (easy to mistinterpret this since both interpretations are “correct”).

People are typically taking rapamycin either once a week, or once every two weeks… and most people are starting really low, eg. 1mg/week and then slowly working up increasing by 1mg per week until they see some sort of side effect.

I think you want to take a few weeks off and then start slowly again…


Such body reaction is most likely from overdosing on Rapa. If you had edema in your legs, kidney panel blood work would be something that you need to do to make sure there’s no kidneys damage.


Thanks for the quick response and the heads up - I will slow down on the Rapa for sure. No edema in my legs, just the sensation of swelling last night which has passed. In reality my feet look fine.

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Just as a point of comparison - @LaraPo above takes 1mg/day (no EVOO or GJF) for preventing organ transplant rejection… you’re taking about 35 to 50 times higher a dose than she is… not a good thing!


Okay just to confirm, for 1 week only I have so far taken 10mg in total. The last dose was three days before I felt unwell. So GFJ and EVOO make that much of a difference?

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EVOO (or other type of "high fat " meal can boost bioavailability by 30%), then the grapefruit juice can do an additional multiple of 350% to 700%… ontop of the 30%.

So - your 10mg in a week could equal 13mg X 3.5times, or 13mg times 7X, so you could be dosing anywhere between 45mg to 91mg… which would be a record high for this forum I think (especially for a woman, and who may be much lower weight than the average guy).

@agetron gets about 7X boost from grapefruit juice, but its highly individual, and type of grapefruit juice, dependent… see here: Rapamycin and Grapefruit Juice - #46 by Agetron

Also - please read up here: Improve Bioavailability of Rapamycin (2)

Your immune system could be compromised right now - we don’t know how long it takes high dosing to cause this exactly, but be careful this next week, avoid crowds, etc…

Folks - don’t try this at home. We don’t want anyone getting hurt!


Also - perhaps something you should read and consider: What Not to Do When You're Immunocompromised

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Certainly not to freak anyone out, but something to consider when figuring out a target for your peak serum levels: most adult humans have a whole list of latent viral infections that are generally no problem as long as your immune system is in working order. There are certain latent viral infections that are specifically activated by rapamycin at certain peak serum levels. I imagine this is probably not a super common thing to occur in weekly rapa doses such as what most people here are doing, but it may be a reason to avoid the feeling that “more is better” and attempting megadoses of rapa. We’re looking for a sweet spot where mtorc1 is suppresed but not mtorc2


Thanks for everyone’s concern, I am feeling much better today but will be cautious. What a valuable resource this forum is, I appreciate your advice and guidance.


I’ve just added a new warning to the site, as I’m concerned that you and other people could be jumping into extremely high doses of rapamycin accidentally, with potentially very negative health consequences.

“BUT, rapamycin is a serious drug that can have serious complications, depending on how its dosed and other factors. This is not a risk-free drug. If you are considering using rapamycin be SURE to spend a few months reading all the literature on it so you can make an informed decision, ideally working in concert with your doctor. Don’t just rush into taking rapamycin because you heard one podcast mention it.”

has been added to this page, and the FAQ: New to Rapamycin? Start Here