Bodybuilder's lipid panel while using 10 grams a week of testosterone while trying reach 20,000ng/dl + the meds and supps used to avoid health issues

Thought this was interesting considering quite a few people on the forum here use various medicines that this bodybuilder uses.
Such as statins, pde5 inhibitors, ace inhibitor or arb, beta blocker etc.
Just goes to show how powerful these medicines are from the blood test result.

Here is the picture of his labs:

Here is the video of him reaching 20,000ng/dl of testosterone.

Not sure if I am 100% right as I’ve not followed this in much detail but I did watch a few videos and saw some lists posted. He might have changed stuff up throughout the cycle, and I’ve missed stuff.
He does have other videos on his YouTube channel about the cycle info, and mri scan etc.
10mg cialis
80mg telmisartan
25mg hctz
10mg Nebivolol
1mg x2 arimidex
1mg ketotifen (for histamine and clen)
Inj vit B 1ml a week
5mg rosuvastatin 1x before bed
DrinkMOR (about a bottle a day)
Astragalus 8am 8pm
Betaine hcl 1am 1pm
Alpha gpc 2am
Caffeine 1am
Aged garlic 2am 2pm
Fish oil 4am 4pm
Ubiquinol 2am
Tocotrienols (vit e) 1am
Vit d3 10,000iu a day as needed
Koncentrated K 1am 1pm
Magnesium bisglycenate 2am 2pm
Zinc carnosine 2am 2pm
Nattokinase 5am 5pm
Taurine 5am 5pm
Vit C 1 pill after 3 meals a day
(side note edit: the # beside am/pm is not the time of day but the dosage of product or # of pills depending on which product is mentioned. am = morning dose. pm = night dose. This was copied directly from a video of his)


Should add 1-2.5mg dutasteride and 17a-estradiol patches for a maximum longevity and healthspan effect.


He’s definitely increasing his risk of atrial fibrillation with the high testosterone along with high dose fish oil.

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Does he sleep? Or is he waking up in the middle of the night to take meds?

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He sleeps. The number beside the am or pm is the dosage (or pills) of the product, and not the time of day.
ex: Taurine 5am = 5 grams morning, astragalus 8am/8pm = 8 capsules am, 8 capsules pm, or some of them are the amount of pills like alpha gpc 2 = 2 pills… it is confusing indeed.
I copied it directly from one of his videos here:

and this is an amazon list of the products from the same video above:


I find it funny how people are soy facing about a 2% drop in testosterone from statins or 10-20% increase from their Ashwagandha supplement or whatever believing it will impact muscle gains, meanwhile the bodybuilders have 20000ng/dL testosterone.


I would be just as interested in seeing his liver and kidney markers.

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They’re very good. He posted them in another video and on his instagram story before. Both his Cystatin C and GGT were good. I don’t remember the exact numbers though.

He also had a full body MRI recently and the results were good, including his heart being normal in size.

Some people seem to get lucky and have good enough genetics to handle their response to steroids. When you do what he’s doing and taking all the precautions, it can be done more safely than the average person realizes, as long as they avoid longer term use of the harsh compounds (like trenbolone, most oral steroids etc).

Most bodybuilders are not taking any preventative measures, hence why they’re dying young of cardiovascular and kidney disease. It’s interesting that he is doing what he is doing and documenting everything.


It’s absolutely amazing to me actually. I didn’t even know T levels could go that high. Surprised he didn’t post estradiol, DHT, SHBG and PSA values.