Bloodwork question - Gamma Globulin low

As part of my routine bloodwork, I was tested for my annual doctor’s visit. The bloodwork showed low gamma globulin. The level was 0.5, the reference range is 0.8-1.7 g/dL.

The bloodwork lists this as “Consistent with hypogammaglobulinemia”

Is this related to Rapamycin use? Does anyone have experience and/or an educated guess here?

The internet tells me “Hypogammaglobulinemia is an immune system disorder in which not enough gamma globulins are produced in the blood. This results in a lower antibody count, which impairs the immune system, increasing risk of infection.”

I have been taking 6 mg of Rapamycin per week, on Tuesdays, since Feb. 2023.

The bloodwork was drawn on a Monday - about 6 days post Rapamycin dose.

Thank you for any opinions people are willing to share.

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Thank you for sharing. That paper seems to be too advanced for me. I lack the appropriate background to make any sense of it.

I could not tell if the people who had hypogammaglobulinemia and were helped by Rapamycin were helped because they stopped a different treatment that was harder on them, and switched to Rapa, or not. I got myself confused.

As I understood, hypogammaglobulinemia can be caused by immunodeficiency (suppressed mTOR). Rapamycin supresses mTOR. Your condition could be caused by rapamycin. Most likely the dose is too high for you. Reducing the dose and increasing time between doses may help. Try it. Or have a long break from rapamycin and see what happens.


Thank you. I do plan on stopping for some time, then doing bloodwork, then re-starting at a lower dose. That is my thought as of now.

What I am not sure about is the details - for how long do I stop, how much lower a dose, etc. I’ll figure out something.

I think many people here know so much more than me, so I am hoping to benefit from the collective group’s greater knowledge.

Thank you again. I do appreciate the advice.

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Mine dropped as well in fact for the last year while on Rapa the value has been trending down, I did not really pay attention to the marker before the drop.

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