Blood markers of Centenarians

“In conclusion, already from age 65 onwards, a difference in commonly available biomarkers was observed between individuals who eventually became centenarians and those who did not. Higher levels of total cholesterol and iron and lower levels of glucose, creatinine, uric acid, ASAT, GGT, ALP, TIBC, and LD were associated with a greater likelihood of becoming a centenarian. While chance likely plays a role for reaching age 100, the differences in biomarker values more than one decade prior death suggest that genetic and/or lifestyle factors, reflected in these biomarker levels may also play a role for exceptional longevity.”


See previous discussion here as well:


Survivor bias? By 100, everyone who was going to die of cancer and heart disease due to high iron levels has already done so?


In Commonly used clinical chemistry tests as mortality predictors: Results from two large cohort studies - PMC ( they find a u-shaped curve for iron. Below 12 is bad, and above 20 is bad. Looks like the sweet spot is around 15-18 which is consistent with what the GeroScience article says.