Blood glucose control with Rapamycin

What blood glucose intervention is best for complementing Rapamycin?

  • Acarbose
  • Metformin
  • SGLT2i
  • Berberine
  • No pharma/supplement

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I’m interested in understanding what the consensus is for blood glucose control to accompany rapamycin. I don’t do anything but am about to continuous glucose monitor and so interested in my options if rapa has pushed things higher.


Zone 2 exercise!!! !!!


I also don’t do anything as my BG is within normal range. I don’t wear a monitor but measure it 2-3 times a day. Diet and exercise are the best medicine.

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Apologies, i should have added a lifestyle/exercise/diet option

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Totally acarbose. It doesn’t just help with blood sugar spikes but also reduces total calorie intake by blocking the absorption of certain carbohydrates to some extent.

Diet and exercise also helps with glucose spikes. I tried Acarbose, but started loosing weight. The same with Metformin. Most ppl though don’t mind to reduce calories and get rid of unwanted pounds. For me it’s counterproductive. I don’t have excess weight to loose, and my BG is normal.

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For me weight loss would be ideal as I still have ways to go to a bmi of 21.
Obviously on exercise days you want glucose spikes right before training.