Biohacking and ‘consumerization of health care’ make longevity a key investment theme in 2024, economist says

Whether you agree or disagree with Bryan Johnson’s approach to longevity, it seems he’s had a large and positive impact on the number of column inches of press coverage devoted to biohacking & longevity the past two years… which seems likely to spur interest and investment in the field.

A recent note in Fortune magazine, and a report on the Longevity Health segment:

A key investment theme for 2024 is a focus on longevity—attaining longer life spans—according to the economist who leads geopolitical investing at PwC.

Alexis Crow, author of Annual Outlook 2024 for the Observer Research Foundation, where she’s a visiting senior fellow, told me that the report, which considers economies around the world, predicts there will be greater spending on longevity—but that those investments will vary depending on where you look.

“In the U.S., I think we’re more advanced to the longevity trajectory, where biohacking has become a craze; that’s when individuals pursue their own DIY biology,” said Crow, who also focuses on long-term investing in her role at PwC. “This trend is, in turn, spurring growth in biotech, pharma, life science, venture capital, and the health and wellness space.”

Full article:

Full Report Below (only the longevity section, not the full report):

LongevityReport.pdf (424.4 KB)