Best review of BMI's impact on health I've seen (R. Masters 2023)

Hey all, first post, please pardon formatting errors. Also, I stole this from my post on the crsociety forums; sue me :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen discussion of this recent paper on the forum, and it has shaped how I think about the relationship between BMI and disease risk, and I thought I’d briefly summarize it and ask for your perspective.

Ryan K. Masters (2023) Sources and severity of bias in estimates of the BMI–mortality association, Population Studies, 77:1, 35-53, DOI:10.1080/00324728.2023.2168035

I have seen discussion here of papers that adjust BMI analyses for health-status (e.g. number of risk factors or healthy lifestyle factors, here and the lancet analysis referenced earlier in this thread, here).


We have also seen discussions of having a longer follow-up time, to eliminate those whose weight was due to an active disease status, further reducing the J shaped relationship (here)


Colloquially, body fat % as a marker for adiposity, quantity of visceral fat approximated via body shape indices (e.g. waist-to-hip ratio, waist circumference, etc) are relevant as well (I can cite later if you’d like, I’m in a bit of a rush). Further, the time-dependence of BMI (thinking of time-integrated obesity, similar to cigarette ‘pack-years’) is shown to be relevant as well, with many of these studies giving just a single measurement.

Masters claims that leaving any one of these factors out leads to substantial bias in the data. He wrote this flowchart where, assuming we have a perfect metric for someone’s level of obesity/overweight (which we do not), what measurement biases arise in typical analyses.

Based on this, he did the following (long, tl;dr below)

This study explores three sources of bias in estimates of the BMI–mortality association: (1) confounding bias from within-BMI-group variation in body shape; (2) positive survival bias among high-BMI samples due to recent weight gain; and (3) negative survival bias among low-BMI samples due to illness-related weight loss (i.e. reverse causation). First, because variation in body shape not captured in standard BMI categories likely confounds the BMI–mortality association, I document variation in body shape within BMI groups and examine the extent to which this variation is associated with poor health, biomarkers of cardiometabolic diseases, and mortality risk. Second, I examine how recent weight gain and recent weight loss affect the composition of BMI groups at time of survey. Obesity rates among the US adult population have increased since the 1980s due to rising exposure to an obesogenic environment (Wang and Beydoun 2007; Reither et al. 2009, 2015; Ljungvall and Zimmerman 2012; Masters, Reither et al. 2013). Rising prevalence likely means that large subsets of overweight and obese samples have spent relatively short durations of time at these BMI levels. Also, long durations of time spent obese can increase risk of disease (Abdullah et al. 2012; Reis et al. 2013; NASEM 2021) and may lead to illness-related weight loss, resulting in reverse causation bias whereby samples with low BMI are composed partly of respondents whose BMI levels were at one time overweight and/or obese (Lawlor et al. 2006; Preston et al. 2013; Cao 2015; Stokes and Preston 2016b). Thus, on the one hand, health profiles of samples with low BMI are likely biased downwards by a subset of respondents whose BMI is low due to recent weight loss. On the other hand, health profiles of samples with over- weight and obese BMI levels are likely biased upwards by a subset of respondents with high BMI from recent weight gain. After documenting the sources of these biases in NHANES 1988–2006, I examine the severity of these biases on estimates
of the US BMI–mortality association. I compare estimates of BMI differences in all-cause mortality risks among US adults aged [45–85) from two different models. I fit the first model using baseline BMI measures to indicate five categorical levels of BMI (<18.5, [18.5–25.0), overweight, class 1 obesity, and class 2+ obesity), and I fit the second model using these five categorical levels of BMI while adjusting for all three sources of bias. I test for age-based differences in the BMI–mortality associations by refitting both models separately to ages [45–70) vs [70–85), and I identify the functional form of the BMI–mortality association by refitting both models using nine categories of BMI. Finally, I use estimates from both models are to calculate the percentage of US adult deaths attributable to overweight and obesity.

Masters combined all of these potential confounders, used the NHANES cohort (both the '88-'94 and '99-'06 data), and performed principal component analysis (PCA) on them. This produced a new model labeled ‘adjusted’ in the following plots. Note: he fit the model separately for the groups [45-70) and [70-85), providing some supporting evidence for discussions here about the appropriate body weight for those considered elderly. A caveat is he doesn’t show an age-specific analysis for BMI within the normal range, only between normal/overweight/obese/obese+. When he does show more fine-grained BMI metrics, it’s for the whole population.

First, headline results

The range of 18.5-20.0 being the lowest risk is likely a relief to those here, but that depends on how you’re doing in terms of the adjusted model. What did he control for?


The Baseline model shown in this paper includes five categories measured from base- line BMI at time of survey: underweight, overweight, class 1 obesity, and class 2+ obesity, with BMI [18.5– 25.0) as the reference category. The Adjusted model includes 10-factor indicators of the PCs of body shape and includes underweight, overweight, class 1 obesity, and class 2+ obesity measured from weight 10 years prior to survey, with BMI [18.5–25.0) 10 years prior to survey as the reference category.

Unfortunately, when actually describing his principal components, he was a bit vague. (Edit: I just found the supplementary materials, and there’s too much there to share here but it’s a good read. Brief summary - the PCs are the same between sexes, the PCs are independent of each other, the body shape indices he used were all highly correlated with each other so only one came out in the PCs, ABSI has the lowest correlation to BMI).

Three principal components are estimated to account for about 90 per cent of variation in US adult body shape. PC1 accounts for about 51 percent of variation and is negately associated with indicators of general adiposity (e.g. −0.40 loadings for weight and skinfold measures). PC2 accounts for about 25 per cent of variation and is associated with indicators of body shape and central adiposity (e.g. 0.60 loading for ABSI and −0.30 loading for thigh circumference) (Reis et al. 2009; Maessen et al. 2014). PC3 accounts for about 13 per cent of variation and indicates stature (e.g. 0.90 loading for height).

Where, from the “marginal effects of PC1/2” below, the PC based on general adiposity is highly inversely correlated to BMI and the lower values it has the worse health status you have. PC2 which grows with ABSI (“A Body Shape Index”, (ABSI) = waist(cm) / (BMI^{2/3} × height(cm)^{1/2}) and shrinks with thigh circumference. As PC2 grows, you have worse health, and it is generally much less correlated with BMI. Therefore, this PC which is mostly explained by having a smaller ABSI and larger thigh circumference, explains the majority of in-BMI variation in health status. That is, if I’m interpreting this right!

More information on the PCs I found in the supplementary material. Waist to thigh ratio also quite good! The thigh circumference having a two-way relationship (recall, PC2 we want to be small and PC1 we want to be big) comes from adiposity vs muscle-mass, obviously. For PC3 it is unclear if larger or smaller values are good, but it’s almost entirely defined by height and weight, so I suspect that lower values are more desirable but he should have made this more clear.

He then shows that recent changes in BMI can lead to bias as well. Note: he only has 2 measurements, 10 years apart. If he had more frequent measurements, it’s likely that the magnitude of this bias could be even greater. Either way, the results are significant!

Those who lose weight to the normal range have a worse health status than those who stayed, and those who gain weight to a heavier status have better health than those who were stable. This is predictable but the results are perhaps surprising; those who have lost weight into the normal range have the highest proportion of the poorest health status of anyone in the table! Tied for the highest level of inactivity, very high CRP, etc etc. Those who gained weight from normal to overweight in those 10 years have a surprisingly good health status as well. Based on the ratios in the NHANES database shown in this plot
These losers/gainers are a significant proportion of the database! Big confounder!

Then he produced the headline plots I linked at the top (though I wish there were more of them), and proposed a new analysis of

Conclusions I have taken: BMI of 18.5-20.0 is likely optimal, though the HR from 20-22.5 or 22.5-25 is small enough that I’m comfortable with it. Within that BMI range, maximizing thigh circumference (leg muscle mass, we’ve known this is significant) and minimizing ABSI = waist(cm) / (BMI^{2/3} × height(cm)^{1/2}), i.e. minimizing waist circumference, is ideal (though measuring ABSI on its own and reading the paper that it came from might have some value). Maintain that body weight, and stay active. Stuff we already knew, but this paper points out that much of the epidemiology of BMI is biased due to those losing weight for reasons of disease, a population-wide weight gain like we’ve seen over the last 50 years, and body shape.

One other thing I’ll point out is, much like in the original ABSI paper, hip measurements did not come out of this (e.g. waist to hip ratio did not give independent value). The hip measurement always seemed odd to me, as it seems quite genetically dependent on bone structure. Thigh circumference as a marker that we have a lot more agency over.

Recall, also, that this is not a population with optimal or even reasonable nutrition. This paper did not look at that whatsoever. I suspect that the relative effect would only grow with healthy diet, but that’s my bias talking.

Think, also, about how this relates to epidemiology based on biomarkers more generally. In a population with growing factors that we expect to cause more harm over time (obesity, hypercholesterolemia, inflammatory markers, etc), we are likely underestimating their harm when we perform simple correlations. Be cautious, y’all.

What do y’all think? Interesting paper? Illuminating? Or are the author’s own biases showing too strongly?


Thanks for sharing this information. It definitely makes sense to consider the individual person’s context. It also makes me feel better about my BMI which is just barely above 18.5. I feel good and and have adequate muscle so rather than worrying I’m just trying to make sure I don’t lose anymore weight and stay fit.

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@amelia1917 thanks for the excellent post and welcome to the forums. This is the best summary of this issue that I’ve seen. There has always been the issue in the past (in studies I’ve seen on this) of sick thin people getting over-represented in the data and thus suggesting that thinner equals bad… and while at some point that could be true, in the range of BMI of 18 to 20, I don’t think thats a concern. I like the additional thigh information you’ve pointed out which I had not seen before. The take home point of the need for ongoing strength training to prevent sarcopenia is something we can all be reminded of occasionally.

I like your conclusions:

Conclusions I have taken: BMI of 18.5-20.0 is likely optimal, though the HR from 20-22.5 or 22.5-25 is small enough that I’m comfortable with it. Within that BMI range, maximizing thigh circumference (leg muscle mass, we’ve known this is significant) and minimizing ABSI = waist(cm) / (BMI^{2/3} × height(cm)^{1/2}), i.e. minimizing waist circumference, is ideal (though measuring ABSI on its own and reading the paper that it came from might have some value). Maintain that body weight, and stay active. Stuff we already knew, but this paper points out that much of the epidemiology of BMI is biased due to those losing weight for reasons of disease, a population-wide weight gain like we’ve seen over the last 50 years, and body shape.

One other thing I’ll point out is, much like in the original ABSI paper, hip measurements did not come out of this (e.g. waist to hip ratio did not give independent value). The hip measurement always seemed odd to me, as it seems quite genetically dependent on bone structure. Thigh circumference as a marker that we have a lot more agency over.


Thank you! I think the principal components were an under-stated part of the paper.

In particular, that the PCs were the same within-gender indicates that men could benefit from rethinking their exercise routines. Work those thighs, fellas! It might save your life :wink:.


Mine is 19.7 already. Gained some weight (from 107 to 111.2) by overeating :grinning: Not sure if it’s healthy to overeat.

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Great job! I’ve upped my calories but obviously not enough. At least I’m holding steady now though.

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That was a great post. Thank you.

Haven’t read the paper below (just a summary about the methodology that Peter Attia put out), but wonder if the supplemental tables, etc might have exactly some of the data that you are interesting in.


Was just thinking how difficult is to gain weight if you are living healthy and active. I wanted to add some 5 kg of preferably muscle weight and upped my calories at almost 1000 kcal daily and in two months I gained just shy of 3 kg. I find easiest way to add calories is to drink them… make a shake.


Thanks for the suggestion @scta123! I was bmi 18.3 this morning but the good news is that I still have good muscle mass and feel good so I’m just probably just slightly too lean. I’ll definitely add some liquid calories this week!


I have the opposite problem. I’d love to shed weight. Maybe we can swap. :wink:


A truly great post by amelia 1917, showing the bias of the studies claiming best health results for relatively high BMI. The adjusted model of figure 5, showing the lowest hazard ratio for BMI 18.5 - 20, tells it all.
I had long suspected it to be so, but it is a relief to see this. It will be a source of inspiration for me to stick to my strict CRON regimen, hitting a BMI of just below 20. In periods of cheating I hit 22 with HR that I judge to be 1.2 - 1.25 vs 1 for below 20 for all-cause mortality. A substantial difference.


It not just reverse causality that people with the lowest BMI have a higher mortality. There is a causal link. Low BMI people have very little reserves for when something happens (and of coarse their frailtymakes accidens more likely) , eg get ill or get in an accident and and up in the ICU…


Many studies showing a U-shaped curve do not account for the chronically ill, very old, and other medical and genetic conditions that result in a lower life span.

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Are you saying that if something bad happens the overweight population will have more chances to survive?

I def think BMI 18.5 to 20 is a concern.

At 18.5 you are just bordering on underweight, that’s skinny fat territory, and is associated with higher risk of hip fractures. Not to mention tail risks, like having an accident, needing to stay in hospital or ICU as @Arhu mentions. Your health can really go downhill if you don’t have some reserves for the body to go through.

I am very skeptical when scientist do a lot of adjustments, it is the totality of evidence that matters and that is around 22 BMI is optimal from what I’ve heard previously and now see in the graphs pre-adjustment.


Life is meant to be enjoyed, no need to have a BMI of 18.5 when 22 is possible with some great food. And associated with lower risk for hip fractures, mortality, and gives some reserves in case of disease, hospitalization or war.

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Thank you.

Been poking around. Nice forum - informative.

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I honestly don’t feel frail at all at a bmi of 18.6. I got down to 18.1 recently and although that did concern me a little I felt okay. It must be somewhat individual. I’m not sure how I feel about purposely chasing a higher bmi but I am trying to build muscle mass so wherever I end up is fine as long as I’m strong and feel good. This is the unfiltered and all natural 54y/o me today. I’m starting to feel like Agetron’s sister. Hahaha


Look great! My take on lower BMI is that healthy youth and children are thin and it doesn’t prevent them from being healthy.

Many studies claim that it’s advantageous to gain extra pounds with age. However those studies don’t take into consideration those who are on rapamycin and because of it are biologically younger. Most healthy ppl who are not on rapamycin start gaining extra weight when they are over 50. Chronologically I’m 69, but biologically didn’t even reach 50 after 14 years on Rapa. Therefore it’s a bit early for my extra pounds. I also feel great with my 19.5 BMI.


There is a big difference in having BMI of 18.5 with different BF percentages. Not everyone is skinny fat.


As far as I can understsnd, the adjustments of that study yielding lowest all-cause mortality for bmi 18.5 - 20 in healthy people appear to be reasonable.

If severe illness happens with sharply reduced weight, low BMI is a disadvantage with less fat reserves. But that and any increased risk of fractures, dors not come close to offsetting the advantages of low BMI assuming that study is correct.

Sticking to a CRON diet gives me enjoyment and purpose. Food has never tasted so good in my one meal a day.