Best Lab Work for General Health?

FWIW, Take large amounts of
astaxanthin before, during and after. Will quench potential radiation damage.

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Thank you for that tip on Astaxanthin and X-ray radiation! I never knew. That makes me feel much better about getting my X-rays. Any idea what dose we should take beforehand? Large is a bit ubiquitous.

This is not new, has been know for some time.


Afaik arterial average bp is 1/3 up from the diastolic bp. Hence both figures matter

Yes, losing weight is hard for many people. When I retired I was at least 40+ lbs overweight because for the last four years of my job I was putting in long hours, going out to lunch every day, and not having enough energy left to go to the gym.

Diets donā€™t work in the long run because they become monotonous and hard to stay on.

FWIW: The number one thing that worked for me is time-restricted eating. Just keep moving breakfast up an hour at a time over a period of a few weeks until your first meal is at least 16 hours after supper. Over time you will become used to this and wonā€™t be hungry early in the morning. Number two is rapamycin. After a few months of fairly high doses of rapamycin, I have almost completely lost my appetite for food. I am almost never hungry and now I have to force myself to eat enough food to maintain my ā€œidealā€ weight.

IMO: It will be more important to do time-restricted feeding than what it is you eat. I am not on any diet, but what I choose to eat at my age is; high protein, moderately low carb, and low fat.


Thanks a lot! I did not know that. Will definitely do!

What a large amount could be? I have 12 mg liquid softgels. Regular recommendation is 1/day. Taking 2 before, 2 during, and 2 after qualifies for large amount? Trying to get prepared :blush:

Every year, I get a the Life Extension Male Elite Panel. Wait for it to be on sale for about $470. Very comprehensive.