Bempedoic Acid and Ezetemibe Results

I am over the moon! My 78 yo father just got his results from his blood work back. His ApoB went from 120 to 65 and his hsCRP went from 1.2 to 0.57. He hasn’t gotten his LDL, TG, TC and HDL results back, but so far I am ecstatic. This is after 1 month taking the drugs in one pill together. It’s the Indian Generic Brillo EZ from Jagdish Nikose. I’m taking it as well and will report my numbers when I get them.

It feels like he bought an insurance policy against heart disease!!


This is so great to hear Chris.

Just remember that he still had the legacy of whatever Apo B area under the curve (AUC) exposure he has had over his life too date - so all tools, including from diet, exercise, sleep, stress optimization and other metabolic health might also be needed for as full insurance as possible!


He is a vegetarian and gym rat. Our family does have a history of heart disease so it is a worry. We are not aware of any cardiovascular problems or calcification, however he hasn’t had a scan.

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Great on the gym. Does he also do cardio, including sessions of zone 2?

if he does, do a scan it looks like cleerly might be much better that the classical CAC CT scan.

And do you know his Lp(a)?

He hasn’t tested his LP(a) but I’ll try to convince him. Unfortunately we won’t have a baseline to compare against.

As for a CAC, he doesn’t want to get one. I’ll try convincing him again. I’m just thankful for this large victory against ApoB and CRP!

Update: He got a CAC score and it was 340 which is normal for his age.


Def big steps forward there!


Glad to hear that, that is a good decrease.

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I started Bempedoic Acid + Ezetimibe (Indian generic Bemdac-EZ), as well as 5 mg of rosuvastatin (4 days a week) about 4 months ago and finally got a blood test, so I figured I’d share my results:


The June 2023 and March 2024 tests were both 4 days after my rapa dose of 7 mg, and it reduced my LDL-C from 73 to 42 mg/dL, and similarly ApoB from 75 to 48 mg/dL. As you can see, my Lp(a) is consistently high; since I’ve tested it three times I’ll probably not test it anymore.

For the May 2023 test, I’d been on the same dose of Rapa for about 6 months at that point, yet the both ApoB and LDL-C were considerably lower than the June 2023 test, which was only a month later. The only difference I see was that I took the May test (and had lower LDL-C and ApoB) about 7 days after the rapa dose compared to only four.

Is anyone aware of data showing how lipids change as a function of time for an acute dose of Rapamycin? Does ApoB increase by a lot a few hours after the dose, followed by a decay? Is it reasonable to check lipids only four days after a dose, or is there a better way to get a representative average?

It’s headed in the right direction, but overall, I’m a little disappointed that ApoB wasn’t lower, say in the 30 mg/dL range. Ultimately, I will probably up my statin dose and frequency.


You should probably measure fasting glucose and c-peptide (or insulin) as well, to calculate HOMA-IR to approximate insulin resistance.


I have just received my blood work results. This was on my protocol plus 500 mg Metformin and 140 mg Bempedoic Acid and 10 mg of Ezetemibe.

LDL cholesterol - 66 mg/dl (Down from 122 mg/dl)
HDL cholesterol - 46 mg/dl (Down from 54 mg/dl)
Total Cholesterol - 123 mg/dl (Down from 194 mg/dl)
Triglycerides - 84.1 mg/dl (Down from 101 mg/dl)

HBA1C - 5.4% (Down from prediabetic 5.7%)

Based on my father’s and my results, Bempedoic Acid and Ezetemibe do what they’re supposed to with a 45-50% decrease in LDL and ApoB.


This are great movements!

( Now you are just a bit too low on your HbA1c right? :wink: )


Yes, I guess my HBA1C is on the low side, but still good. I’ll take 5.4 over 5.7 any day!


I’m teasing you Chris, I don’t think it is too low (unless you have valleys that are too low, you can feel and use CGM for that).

Remember the long discussions we have with all the Attia data etc suggesting from my view that 4.5-5 might be a better longevity phenotype for many vs ~5. Was just pointing out that you are good from that perspective, but “overshot” your past perspective.


I just finished my colonoscopy and the doctor asked if I was taking any weight loss drugs. I said No, but why? She said she could see fatty cholesterol droplets inside my intestines that were not being absorbed.

I guess that’s one way to make sure Ezetemibe is working!


Updated results from my father on Bempedoic Acid and Ezetemibe - 57 ApoB 62 LDL. His cholesterol is great for a 78 yo! I’m glad the results get better with time! His hsCRP is 0.6, so about the same as last time. He’s dealing with an allergic reaction (itchy hives) right now though which could mean the real CRP score is even lower.

Next things to optimize for him is his BP - 130 max and HBA1C 5.5-5.6. He’s started 12.5 mg empagliflozin and will start 40 mg of Telmisartan.


My father’s LDL is now 34 and HDL 61 after using Bempedoic Acid, Ezetemibe and 5 mg Lipitor. I think it’s at the point where any lower may start becoming detrimental.


Those are pretty fantastic numbers, congratulations!

I may be jumping the gun a little but it looks like the combination of Ezetimibe and Bempedoic Acid plus my prudent diet and almost daily exercise are going to fall a little short of my Apo(b) goal of < 50. I attribute some of this to my age (80) but also to the fact that my Apo(b) started out high (128 as I recall) even though my LDL was just slightly above the “normal” range. Ezetimibe reduced Apo(b) to 94. Based on the evidence, I might expect BA to drop it an additional 25-30 points. That leaves me a way to go.

Has anyone had a similar experience and might offer a suggestion short of a solution that involves injections? Also, I do not want or need a solution that would suppress my appetite.

Add in 5 mg of Atorvastatin or a low dose of your favorite statin. It should get you to an ApoB in the 45-70 range.