Before/after photos?

I’m a new convert and eagerly sharing about rapamycin with family members. Is anyone aware of sites with before and after photos that demonstrate rapamycin’s anti-aging effects? Google isn’t much help.

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Hahaha - as the unofficial Rapamycin Poster Boy - I will private message you my before after pics.

To beat Maveric78 to the punch - I am also on TRT.


Most of the effects of rapamycin are not visual… at least not yet in humans. Its very hard to measure aging, and its just as hard (or harder) to measure a slowing in aging by 10% to 30% (if in fact that is happening in humans).

Your point does raise the question about mice… I wonder if there are visual differences between the control mice and the rapamycin mice - at an old age? I wonder if the ITP people ever take photos. A question for Richard Miller at some point.

The best we have are people’s reports and blood tests, etc. of benefits and side effects, all available on our “Rapamycin Frequently Asked Questions and Answers page”: Rapamycin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


I was able to locate from a clinical study – a before rapamycin older female mouse image and an image of the same mouse after being on rapamycin for 6 months. WOW!


Thank you! You elevated my spirits!! Love your humor!!!


Will you message me your before and at photos too please?

.Hello will PM you wioth pics!