Autophagy, exercise, and limiting protein

Does lifting weights, but limiting protein provide longevity benefits? To me this makes sense, but many of the “fitness experts” disagree. I have little interest in gaining muscle mass, but very interested in getting stronger and living longer.

I would think if I just ate carbs all day and no protein I could induce autophagy. Am I mistaken?

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If you don’t get enough protein you will lose muscle mass.
Carbohydrates and fat by themselves can’t sustain muscle.

Lower muscle mass means loss of strength.
Losing too much muscle mass = death.

Other than apparent strength gains from training one’s nervous system to engage the use of muscle (e.g., lifting something heavy) one can’t get stronger without increasing muscle mass.

Lifting weights without providing sufficient protein to repair the damage done from the exercise (and thereby adapt to the demand) can only tear down muscle and strength.

I certainly don’t see any longevity benefits from limiting protein below what one needs to maintain muscle given the demands one puts on the muscle.


You automatically lose muscle mass as you age, so you need to gain muscle mass just to sustain an existing level of muscle mass. I find it quite hard not to lose weight, it’s very annoying!


My opinion is that we should target the least amount of protein necessary to build / sustain muscle for the lifestyle we choose. I want to be strong and athletic now and forever. I eat too much protein due to my addiction which is why I’m struggling to lose the little bit of visceral fat I carry around. I am trying to figure out how to pulse my protein more extremely and also lowering my overall intake.

Valter Longo recommends plant protein with a bit of fish. His target for an athlete is 1.1g/kg ….for me around 100g per day. That an average, so I’ll do more on my anabolic days (lifting, HIIT) and less on catabolic days (fasting, rapa, cardio only days).

This won’t work for a body builder or a professional athlete making a living in athletics. But I think it will work for me. To confirm I’ll lower my protein until I am not getting the muscle building or retention or recovery I want.


I heard a podcast with Peter Attia and a college prof. that studied animal protein. He broke down how much protein is recycled, needed and consumed. I learned that you need to make enzymes in order for fundamental processes to work, and you need to make them daily. Enzymes are made of protein.

I don’t know how long you can last on carbs and fat only, but it will get painful, then you will die.

You can do without carbs, I can back that up with studies.