Are you brainwashed at night? (by CSF - CerebroSpinal Fluid)

This is an interesting article:

The Pineal gland produces melatonin. According to some papers I have part of the melatonin goes into the third ventricle of the CSF and part goes into blood serum. According to one paper about sheep all goes into the CSF. Research should really be done into whether actually all of the pineal melatonin goes into the CSF or at least to get some ideas on proportions as it makes a big difference metabolically.

Obviously what goes into the CSF is likely to come out as well.

The concentration of melatonin in the CSF is 5-20 times as high as blood serum.

Hence when your brain is washed at night the concentration of melatonin is 5-20 times as high as blood serum.

This is one of the reasons why I started on higher dosing of melatonin. If my brain wants to be washed in melatonin at night then I would like to make sure that happens.


Interesting, thank you. I’ve been taking melatonin at various doses for many years. May I ask what you consider a high dose?

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An interesting question. I take a range of doses each night between 10mg and over 900mg. I would think over 100mg is high, however.

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What are your take on Agomelatine?

Thank you. I’ve currently settled on about 50mg with 40 from bulk powder and 10 from a time released tablet. I suspected when I went higher than that it was leading to excessive hair shedding but it could have been a coincidence.

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I had no awareness and have just looked at the wikipedia entry. I have no real comment to make.

I would think any hair shedding is a coincidence. I will upload my current comparison photos. I am currently gradually reversing hair loss, it is a really slow process, but some of the things I do to modiify my metabolism are things which I don’t want to go too far on which may be needed to speed things up.

I do think the photos demonstrate what I see at a microscopic level which is an increase in new functioning hair follicles.

When I say 100mg is high that is not to say personally that it is high for me. Although sometimes I don’t have as much exogenous melatonin, most nights I take more than 100mg.

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Agomelatine is a melatonin analog and has a longer half-life and more significant affinity for melatonin-1 (MT-1) and melatonin-2 (MT-2) receptors than melatonin itself. Agomelatine has been shown to have antioxidant effects. It has been shown to increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes and reduce oxidative stress in various animal and cell models. In addition, some clinical studies have suggested that agomelatine may have antioxidant effects in humans as well.


Looks good! Thanks for letting me know that it’s probably a coincidence.

Bezesk, Have you used Agomelatine? If so, what are your thoughts? As a possible sleep aid what I’ve read says it’s great, but the smallest pill size is 25 mg which is in the clinical range for use as an antidepressant. I wouldn’t want the antidepressant effect which could mean withdrawal symptoms if used on a regular basis. The other potential problem is liver damage which is the reason it is not approved for use in the USA. Thanks.

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