Anyone using peptides and rapamycin?

I’ve used it. There’s some discussion at the quoted location and surrounding.

Note that there is said to be a translation mistake such that the recommended dosing is often wrong by a factor of 100 too high if I remember correctly (might be 10 - will check when at a computer).

Edit, yes, what I said in the quoted post. 100mcg is supposed to be the equivalent to the Russian protocol, but many do still dose much higher. Peptide dosing is like rapamycin dosing. Enjoy being a human test subject. :slightly_smiling_face:


Like many supplements etc., I think peptides would certainly show more subjective results in older people like myself.

The thing that is most intriguing to me about Epetalon is its possible use in increasing telomere length.

I am not at all concerned about how I feel. Most of my blood markers are in the very good range and I feel fine.

I think I have my health span covered.

Two things that concern me are brain shrinkage, (which seems to be a given) and telomere length. My opinion is telomere lengths count. When your telomere length reaches zero you probably are dead.

At my age, I am certainly looking for things that I can afford that will stop aging in its tracks or at least slow it down to a slow crawl. Yes, I am willing to take more radical interventions than I would if were young.


Interesting presentation about peptides from GlycanAge


That’s what interested me as well. I was told that the telomere lengthening claim has been disputed, but I never seriously investigated it and didn’t want to pay for expensive before and after tests that are also of debatable utility.

That said, I was injecting 1mg a day before learning about the translation mistake, and I didn’t notice any ill effects.

Maybe you would notice sleep improvements if you have any room for improvement in that area. I have seen that reported many times.


Epitalon seems extremely interesting. The results of lengthening telomeres and improving all performance markers makes it seem more powerful than almost anything we have right now. We need more people testing it.

Has anyone found a source to buy it from?

FWIW: I am about to start an N-Acetyl Semax Amidate intranasal spray protocol.
Many anecdotal reports of immediate effect, clearing brain fog, increased alertness, etc.
I will report back if I have any subjective results, which in this case is the only thing I am interested in.


Great timing because I was thinking about ordering some a couple days ago. Thanks for letting me know! I’ll be very interested in your results.

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Well, I am disappointed with my first dose, which was fairly high.
I am a non-placebo responder, either it works or it doesn’t.
Almost all of the anecdotal reports I have read on Reddit, etc., were from people who claimed to feel a mental boost within 30 minutes of their first intranasal dose. Some claim you should take it in the morning because it gives a wakefulness energy boost and might interfere with sleep if you take it too late in the afternoon.
I felt nothing, nada, zilch.
My supply came from a “reputable” source that I have used before.
I will finish off the supply that I have and will source it from someone else.
I also did not experience any of the negative side effects of a high dose.
Nasal discomfort or irritation

Rhinorrhea (runny nose)
These effects are typically mild and transient, related to the physical presence of the medication in the nasal cavity.

Systemic Effects


Could you try memory tests before and after?

Not really, I am okay with my memory. It’s alertness and a brain fog that I am targeting.
I have been doing crossword and sudoku puzzles for years they give me a pretty good indicator of how well I am doing, crosswords for memory, sudoku for focus and concentration. I find sudoku rather boring and if I cannot focus or concentrate, I don’t do well.

You said you didn’t feel an energy or mental boost, so I took that to mean you didn’t notice a subjective benefit rather than a quantifiable benefit. So I was wondering if it might have an effect that is more subtle, something that could be picked up with a cognitive test but that isn’t as easy to feel. A memory test, since that’s what has been studied.

But if that’s no issue, what about Sudoku? Did you already use that as a test?

Maybe it’s a sign of brain health if you don’t get any benefit.

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I have known about Epitalon for years but never really felt the need to use it.
Last week, I was digging into thymus rejuvenation and came across a kind of link. I searched on Google Scholar peptides which increased lifespan and one of them was Epitalon. It stated that it can regulate melatonin synthesis which might be important for thymus function. Then I found this new paper:
Lee & Burns J. Rest. Med. 14(1). 2024 in which a 79 y-o male with cognitive decline was treated with:
4 rounds of TPE
Epitalon and Semax
Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells plus exosomes.
His biological age regressed by 8 years (and, given the treatment took a year; really 9 years).
As I am in Russia ATM I decided to get some Epitalon and Semax. The Epitalon is made in Portugal and I had to order it online. Cost about 5,600 roubles. The Semax you can buy from any chemist in Russia. Costs about 360 roubles.
I will arrange to get plasma exchange done again soon, but I won’t be doing the huge volumes done by the patient in the case report.
I don’t have access to the stem cells and exosomes. 3 out of 4 will have to do.


May I ask - have you arrived at any protocol for Thymosin/Epithalon? Same as the one used in the Russian research? ( which I can’t find).

DrT could you give a link to that article, or give the protocol used; can’t find the journal.

That claim was made by J-F Tremblay, who makes and tests peptides in his lab. As capable as he is, he may not be able to accurately measure the length of telomeres. I think the state of the art is accurate to 5%.

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I don’t use Thymosin.
Which article are you looking for?

Lee & Burns, J Rest Med

Not sure if this link will be alive but at least anyone should be able to find it. It’s freely available if you search on Google Scholar for example.

Improving Biological Age, Telomere Length, and Cognition: A Case Report on the Use of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, Peptides, Umbilical Cord Tissue …


If you give all this:

How do you know which ones worked?

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Read the case study.

If you were in that man’s shoes and got those results, would you care?!