Anyone trying something a little more edgy?

Have a PRP question. Were you Taking rapamycin during any of those PRP injections? I’ve paused rapa having been told to stay away from anti inflammatory supplements. Should I, do you think? Can’t really find any direct info online.

I paused 2 weeks before the injections and 2 weeks after. I had pain 2weeks after and the Rapa put the fire out. I don’t know what that does to PRP either. It didn’t work very well here, but after 2 months it took a turn and started working. I dose Rapa every 2 weeks, so maybe it does a little work every session?

What really put out the fire for me was fasting with the Rapa. The pain was gone after that. I dose rapa in the morning, so that’s 12, then I fast all day and eat the next morning. So 36 hour fast with the rapa dose. That might work without the PRP.

Oh, also I bought a chinese made ultrasound gun ($125). This thing puts the fire out too. Ultrasound is senomorphic, so turns off the SASP. I’m now wondering if I fast with the Rapa and use the ultrasound gun if I could have skipped the PRP.

Did you ever try the ozone treatments?

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Ummm… nope.
But like the air in an electrical storm.

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Wow I knew about grapefruit but I was unaware sardines were an issue with Rapamycin dose. I eat a lot of sardines, I guess I’ll have to research this!

Never mind, I see you addressed in in your post about improving bioavailability of rapamycin:

What are key options to consider for how I take rapamycin?

  • With Fatty Meal
  • With Grapefruit Juice
  • With the anti-fungal drug called “ketoconazole”

The important points to note here are:

  1. If you take your rapamycin with a fatty meal (I take it with a can of sardines for example) you typically increase the bioavailability by about 35%. This saves you money because if you want to be taking an equivalent of 4mg of rapamycin, you only need to take 3 x 1mg tablets with a fatty meal to get the same effect as you would taking 4 tablets of 1mg.

I guess it’s not specific to sardines- whew!