Anyone else had flushing or other reactions with NAC?

I started Pure Encapsulations NAC 600 mg about a week ago. For the past two days I developed flushing, heat, itch, burning in my face along with mild dizziness about 2 hours later. Yesterday I chalked it to off to topical tacrolimus which I also started on my face however I stopped yesterday and had the same reaction today after doubling the NAC dose, so pretty sure it’s NAC - the newest addition to my stack.
Blood pressure was normal. Symptoms resolved within 30 minutes, I did take Allegra 180 mg and Pepcid 40 mg, standard H1 and H2 blocker.

I hope this is not a beginning of anaphylactoid reaction.
Did anyone experience this and it improved over time sort of like Niacin flush ?
Any Biochem experts here, is N-Acetyl Cysteine Ethyl Ester a different molecule enough that it wouldn’t be likely cause a similar reactions?


I’ve been taking high doses (4 g) of NAC daily for years and never had a problem like that. Are you allergic to sulphur? NAC has a high sulphur content.

Also, Glycine may be able to ameliorate any NAC problems as you need both to be consumed in order to create glutathione. Are you taking Glycine as well?

I thought the esthers were more bioavailable than regular NAC? If I remember properly it was about 10X?


I don’t think he could be allergic to sulfur, since it’s such an important structural and functional element in the body. If you mean sulfa antibiotics (a common drug allergy), that is a different kind of allergy and shouldn’t be related to NAC.
The heat/itch/burning on your face certainly is common with topical tacrolimus, so it would be quite a coincidence if the NAC were causing it. Have you tried the tacrolimus again without taking NAC?


Yes. Haptenated sulfa moiety can cause IgE hypersensitivity but not elemental sulfur.

Tacrolimus only causes burning and itching not transient flushing especially 10 hours after its use. This definitely occurred about 1-2 hours of NAC use.
Took one dose yesterday and seemed fine, so maybe it’s just something that you develop tolerance for.
I stopped the tacrolimus, may it caused a predisposition to the flush.
It seems like one else is having an issue with NAC.

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I had a similar reaction on Tacrolimus, when was taking it orally on a daily basis. It was the reason I stopped it.
NAC also gives me unpleasant sensation similar to a bad acid reflux - I have to drink a lot of water to stop it.


NAC is not entirely benign. Some people are allergic to it. Taken orally, it can cause dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Inhaled, it can cause swelling in the mouth, runny nose, drowsiness, clamminess, and chest tightness.

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I remember I had reactions to NAC when I first started 2 years ago. It was akin to a constant dull light-headedness / nausea.
After a few weeks, my body eventually got used to it.

Nowadays I still take frequently take NAC about 30 minutes before dinner. I assume my dinner would have some amounts of glycine in it.