Anecdotal but Interesting Improvement

So I just did a CTA and the results came back much better than last time. Main difference was Rapa for two years. Last time I was a 15 on calcium. This time I was a 2. Granted it could be other things but I found the result interesting. Last test was five years ago. I’ve been doing 5mg every 7 days for two years.


When I first started rapamycin my heart felt full – heavy - like it was rebuilding and my veins thickened and opened - so now they look like I just worked out … popping only it is all the time.

My coronary calcium score 1.5 years ago was zero – after two years of rapamycin. Maybe it does clear atherosclerosis some? There was a paper awhile back - postulating that this was possible and needed a clinical trial.

It fixes mice hearts. Rapamycin persistently improves cardiac function in aged, male and female mice, even following cessation of treatment. Link: Rapamycin persistently improves cardiac function in aged, male and female mice, even following cessation of treatment - PMC


Thanks. Interesting. I certainly have noticed an improvement in heart function as well as measured by HRV and respiration rates. Was certainly not a feature set I expected. Perhaps we are the big mice! Let’s hope so.