Alex K. Chen metabolic / CGM progress (my "everything in longevity" thread)

4 oranges + acarbose = modest increase/quick decrease (like +40 from low baseline).

I ran the geneva marathon today (max HR to 180). Many parts of it anyways. have run data logged into fitbit app (which I’m finally using to the max for the first time). BG tends to be 90-100 during runs

I only have the patience for running in new areas or when short on time

fwiw geneva air was rly polluted but i had my mask on

also chewed acarbose tablets for the first time.


Great to see the exercise!

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It took me this long to discover that oranges raise my BG way less than other fruits, ugh

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8 slices of bread plus 300mg acarbose let’s see

Acarbose has made bread safer to eat than apples

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need to try beans w/o acarbose (I just ate roasted chickpeas and the increase is VERY modest). But should do this for more ordinary beans.

beans have just a mild glycemic response so acarbose not needed for it. But beans are high in plant protein so they cant be used as a staple (in large amounts) since that even high plant protein will jack up mtor.

My HRV increased from 18 to 37 while in Europe. I suppose this is removing me from the source of my aggravating frustration with myself for now

[edit it went back down while i was still in europe]

“cant be used as a staple (in large amounts) since that even high plant protein will jack up mtor.”

Just shows how a little knowledge can be so dangerous…

Is that a sleeping HRV or an awake HRV?

sleeping HRV

less than 24 hours left in my CGM, I"m gonna try black beans without acarbose as the final experiment.

it’s crazy how much cherry tomatoes and carrots can increase my BG. Not to levels that make me nervous b/c they always quickly decline (way more than persimmons or apples), but still food for thought.

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@Maveric78 First of all the approach differs depending on age of implementation. Im in my 20s, have been researching aging for a long long time

No population has managed to have a higher lifespan by following the pseudointellectual Keto or high protein diets that we see being thrown around everywhere. Your knowledge may work in your little bubble but for radical lifeextention (50% or greater) its completely off track.

You don’t take the frailty / muscle mass argument seriously?

@AnUser frailty only matters in old age , theres no need for a young person to preemptively protect against frailty, Thats the silliest thought process ive ever heard in the aging field.

Reducing cellular damage however does matter at any age.

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That’s true, the protein researcher guy on Peter Attia etc said that younger people do not have to care about protein so much, but it becomes more important later on.

However he said the protein restriction studies in mice didn’t control for caloric intake, I don’t know how true that is. Unless you know that they consumed an equal amount of calories, it’s a wash.

So, is there anything out there better than caloric restriction, exercise, Rapamycin, fasting, and the other life-extending small molecules from the ITP?

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Not that we know of right now (with good data). And, while intermitten fasting might be a reasonable strategy, pure caloric restriction is a brutal regimen that most people can’t tolerate (try eating 40% fewer calories for months at a time… most people really don’t enjoy that). So you’re left with exercise, rapamycin, fasting and the other ITP compounds.

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Yes, unfortunately (or fortunately considering it was really only exercise and fasting before) that’s all we have to work with right now. Everything else is pretty much noise.

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As a point of reference today at the Longevity Summit they had a panel of Longevity Biotech company founders on stage for a panel discussion. The moderator asked them if they took any longevity supplements; NAD+ promoters, NMN, NR etc. None of them did.

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So they don’t really believe in longevity? Just trying to cash in?

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That’s quite telling. Although I am not a massive fan of David Sinclair he has the advantage of appearing to be young and putting his digestion system where his mouth is.

Longevity and health has always been something that people value (particularly older or less well people). Hence it can readily attract snake oil vendors.

However, I don’t myself think the arguments for B3 alternatives are that strong although I can see the merits of taking those if people are not doing anything else to improve their biochemistry.

I would argue that things like D3 are “longevity supplements” because you need plenty of 25OHD for good health.