AI and Longeevity

Ray Kurzweil, the scientist and inventor, had a heartening column in the Economist about the effects of AI on longevity:
Today, scientific progress gives the average American or Briton an extra six to seven weeks of life expectancy each year. When agi gives us full mastery over cellular biology, these gains will sharply accelerate. Once annual increases in life expectancy reach 12 months, we’ll achieve “longevity escape velocity”. For people diligent about healthy habits and using new therapies, I believe this will happen between 2029 and 2035—at which point ageing will not increase their annual chance of dying. And thanks to exponential price-performance improvement in computing, ai-driven therapies that are expensive at first will quickly become widely available.


So are humans going to control a higher intelligent species? Doesn’t make that much sense to me, most of the other lower intelligent species are either in factory farms, dead, or caught in our traps. I mean it might not kill us directly, but turn most of the area of the earth to datacenters and solar panels. If the dice falls on them being aligned somehow, and are deterministic systems, then sure there is LEV or better. Then it’s a cat and mouse game with evolutionary propagating systems who could use solar panels and datacenters.


Any predictions about AI are completely speculative. I agree this is possible, but we have no idea what will happen when we have singularity-level AI. Life is going to get super weird very quickly. Maybe that will involve lifespan advances or maybe humanity will be wiped out or maybe something in between that we can’t even conceive of.


I agree. I can’t remember if anybody has linked to this one:

He is at a level where he’s wondering whether consciousness comes from somewhere else. I don’t want to wreck it for you, but it sounds like consciousness is more complicated than we think…or at least we need to learn much more about it if we’re going to make it work.

I’m not worried about AI or aliens either one, but other people may well kill us.


With this beautiful development, signaling pathways related to aging will probably be found much more easily with artificial intelligence. With artificial intelligence programs, pharmaceutical companies now quickly obtain three-dimensional configurations of proteins, enzymes, and protein-enzyme-molecule interactions. For example, they can easily obtain a 3D image of a receptor and determine the most effective drug and molecule structure suitable for the receptor with artificial intelligence programs. Thus, without the need for years of animal experiments, they develop thousands of drug molecules with minimal side effects within months. Drugs that have already been marketed in this way have begun to arrive, for example, some new antibiotics have been produced and put on the market in this way.


There’s no question about whether it’s an amazing tool, it is. The question is whether it will have consciousness of it’s own, better information, and want the planet to itself.


I remain completely confused about AI. On one hand, AI is supposed exponentially take off and change our lives rather soon. On the other hand, current AI seems to be garbage in, garbage out and I’m not seeing a dependable product yet.


I think it’s a bit like the Wright Brothers airplane or the original lightbulbs. Dazzling at first glance, but not necessarily ready for prime time, but it doesn’t take long for the technology to become part of the background infrastructure of society.


I’ve been following Dr. Stuart Hammeroff, anesthesiologist for close to a decade, and I think he spot on that… within our neurons are microtubules… structures like microchips that are vibrating trillions of times a second – meaning that through that vibration, we’re escaping this physical world (light sped). And, that the spirit aspect is kind of like the cloud or the internet.

The spirit is coming through us. It’s not in us. The Wi-Fi is not in your phone. It’s coming through your phone, so if you think of a phone when it’s off … like a physical body. … that is matter, and when you turn it on, it opens up and accepts the internet… a spirit like wave… vibration…

The internet is like a spirit that it can take you anywhere in this physical world. But we are bigger than the phone because we created it. It is a cheap knock off of us. We can escape outside this physical world.

Doctor Hammeroff had his epiphany… when he would put people under anesthesia… the vibrations in the neurons, the microtubules would stop. Then 5 or 6 hours after the surgery when the anesthesia is basically turned off… the vibrations start in the microtubules… and the spirit has access again to the body.

This is why someone under anesthesia would think that no time has passed or it’s only been a second. Despite a five or six hour surgery.

It’s also why if a young child drowns And is dead. Everything is there for life. If we can get the microtubules vibrating again. The spirit comes back into that body. Much like a telephone call comes into a phone. The child comes back. We see this in cases of drowning in cold water. Quite a bit.

I use this as a description all the time in explaining how the body and the spirit connect through the mind.

Everything we’ve experienced is already saved outside of the brain and the physical body.


I didn’t realize that rapamycin was an hallucinogen.
Or was that written by an AI?

Is it fair to ask an AI what the 60s were like?..or is that like a Turing Test?..If you don’t hallucinate, you weren’t there…

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Ha ha, yes I agree it’s a ways out there. Roger Penrose started it I think. I’m going to watch and read a little more. But I put it in the category of something very interesting and potentially very important, but crazy. Anton did almost 25 minutes on it:

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