Aging from year 3 to 100 β€” a fascinating AI exploration by using Midjourney & Runway


Very scary. Is it inevitable?


Signs of visible aging can be more readily reversed than actual biological aging.

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I see a direct connection between visual aging and biological aging. How can you separate it? Visual changes are the result of biological aging. Reversing it will slow down or reverse visual aging.

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She’s beautiful to me the whole time though.


Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I think the beauty of the old is an intellectual or moral beauty rather than physical. I find nothing pretty about getting old.


I agree although she looks healthy to me and I suppose I find that beautiful because I see mostly sickness. While a person can be beautiful and sick I rarely see people that advanced in years that don’t look as though they some major chronic health issues. To me seeing that rarity is quite beautiful and I’d be happy to look like her at 100.


Yes, I can see how one can age beautifully.

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If we believe that aging is a disease, then advanced aging is a culmination of it and it’s not pretty.


It reminds me of the Picture of Dorian Gray. If only it truly worked that way.


And a new video of a male aging, by AI:

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This guy’s pretty good until he starts putting on the weight… at about 40?

Staying trim might have made a huge difference. :wink:


Luma just dropped Dream Machine 1.5. It seems to not flow (in terms of speed of aging) as well as some of the others. Seems we need to do models of two people; one without rapamycin and one with (going up to 130 years :wink: )



Precious GPT

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UVA exposure galore.

of course not. Some of us are already proving that the dataset used to train this AI model is biased.


I don’t think so. More successful eradication of visible aging requires biological aging to be addressed as well. Arresting of biological aging provides foundation on which everything else can be built.

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We need an Aging Visualizer. You would upload a photo of yourself at any age, then you choose what variables you want to look at as they model your face or body over period of 50+ years: low/high sun exposure, rapamycin use/no rapamycin use, low exercise/high exercise, CR/NonCR, McDonalds / No McDonalds, and all the possible skin treatments: RetinA/No Retin A, Laser treatments, etc…

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Great idea. I was thinking about such an Aging Visualizer for a while as well.

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