AgelessRX - Updated Pricing and PEARL Study Results Seminar on August 27th Registration

I just wanted to share this new info from AgelessRX:


Hey there!
I wanted to let you know that our new offerings are available for rapamycin.
We now accept people’s recent blood tests (as long as it has CBC, CMP, CRP, Lipids, A1c).

Current pricing (with blood work included, including sirolimus levels):

  1. Generic tabs: $99/mo
  2. compounded tabs: $65/mo

There is currently a one-time $50 discount if people have blood work that is recent (last 3 months or so) and useable. Blood work is required at baseline, 3 months, then every 6 months thereafter (or in between if something is off).

There are some states we cannot service just yet - but we’re working on it. And we might adjust pricing and such slightly along the way.

Our protocol is:
Generic tabs: start 2mg (1 tab) the first 4 weeks, then 4mg x 4wks, then 6mg/wk thereafter
Compounded: start 5mg x4wks, then 10mg x4wks, then 15mg there after
We can adjust the dose based on patient preference or side effects.

Feel free to let the community know.

I am very eager about our PEARL webinar next week:

Its going to be hosted by (the team that helped us fundraise) and Matt Kaeberlein will be joining the discussion
(I can post this to the community if you’d like me to)

Thanks for all your support!
Sajad Zalzala


Thanks much for posting this info and for doing the studies in which you measured compounded tablet bioavailability. I just signed up. I initially had a question about whether the compounded tablets might contain titanium dioxide, but the manufacturer of the pill powder, LFA Machines, responded to an inquiry from me; their white powder contains no colorant. It is just some benign ingredients like cellulose and three others that I am comfortable ingesting. I think the website said $85/month for the compounded tablets, but that is well worth it to get the blood work and monitoring by knowledgeable people.

The website did not accept my lab report in PDF format, but I converted it to PNG format and was able to upload it.