Aged neurons don't register energy need

can someone PDF this?

I sense this paper is WAY more impt than most

I don’t have access to the paper, but when they say in the abstract:

Yet the process by which OXPHOS activity becomes degraded and impairs mitochondrial efficiency has remained unclear.

I think they are wrong. mtDNA damage is the process by which OXPHOS activity becomes degraded.

Here is the PDF :slightly_smiling_face:
Aged neurons don’t registerenergy need (Science Magazine) - science.adu4935.pdf (1.0 MB)

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Thank you for this. It refers to a paper on p1363 would it be possible to get the PDF of that paper?

Here it is.
Science Mag - 2024-12 p1363 Boosting neuronal activity-driven mitochondrial DNA transcription improves cognition in mice.pdf (376.3 KB)

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Thank you for this as well. It seems to refer to an actual paper. Perhaps that has not been published yet.

That sounds like overly simplistic cherry picking. Although I don’t doubt mtDNA damage is important, here are so many other things that could go wrong with aging that would result in reduced OXPHOS activity. Not to mention that there are already some interventions that improve OPXPHOS significantly and they most certainly are not fixing the mtDNA damage.

OK. So what other things result in reduced mitochondrial efficiency? I accept there are interventions that improve efficiency without fixing the mtDNA/ETC. It is worth listing them. However, what would be good if you could identify things that hit the MMP without affecting mtDNA.