Ace Inhibitors and Rapamycin

I’m not saying the natural alternatives listed are harmful or ineffective.
But the science says that Enalapril extended LS of rats.
Also, this doctor is peddling products so he has a vested interest in promoting them.
I have no vested interest in Enalapril.

I also started telmisartan after seeing an article in Life Extension Magazine in 2015. At the time telmisartan was described as possibly superior to other medications for blood pressure control from ARB’s or ACE -inhibitors for antiageing. Since there are no great information I could find about superiority of telmisartan for the purpose of antiageing or treatment of HTN.

A recent review article- "Control of aging by the renin–angiotensin system: a review of C. elegans, Drosophila, and mammals

Captopril is one of the medications evaluated by ITP, Dr. Richard Miller, for antiageing.

All ARB’s and ACE inhibitors help with blood pressure control and that helps with antiageing, but supposedly there is another mechanism.
I still take telmisartan for blood pressure control.

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I have been taking high blood pressure medications for a long time before starting rapamycin. Currently I take a combination of Carvedilol and Amlodipine. To my knowledge, Amlodipine is an ACE inhibitor and, again as far as I know, is not linked to Quinapril. Both medications have never caused any side effects, nor has the addition of rapamycin caused any problems.

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Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker

I thought that amlodipine was a calcium channel blocker.

Was prescribed Telmisartan, 20 mg once a day. Did not start yet, but will try tomorrow. I pay 0 with my insurance. Slightly concerned about possible side effects in combo with Rapa. Does it matter when to take it (morning/evening)?

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Were you prescribed this given you have high blood pressure? Or did you ask your doc to prescribe for longevity purposes?

Telmisartan, 20 mg is a very small dose. You can take it any time unless you have higher BP in the morning, then take it at night. I don’t think you should be concerned about interaction with Rapamycin.


I have high blood pressure which was well controlled by low dose of labetol and amlodipine, but got out of hand after Covid that I got in late December. Hopefully Telmisartan will help. It’s a risky choice for me though taking into consideration my kidney transplant.

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Sorry, did’t know about the kidney transplant! Work with your nephrologist and the doctor who recommended adding telmisartan. They know about all your medical problems and medications/supplements you have been taking. These doctors should be able to advise you the best.


I try to take my Bp and cholesterol meds later at night. Many docs recommend this strategy because heart attacks and strokes are more likely in the morning. However, our conditions are much different.


I don’t know if anyone ever read this meta-analysis comparing all anti-hypertensive medications. Basically, the best combo would be a CCB (for Stroke, Angina, and all cause mortality risk) with a ACE inhibitor or Diuretic (for MI, heart failure and diabetes prevention).

An interesting observation was: “Beta-blockers (atenolol) and alpha-blockers may not be first-choice drugs as they were the only drug-classes that were not significantly superior to any other, for any outcomes.”

Based on this conclusion I take a CCB (Amlodipine 5mg) and occassionally Ace inhibitor/Diuretic.

I think I did partly read that study. Do you think it would be worth it to be a low sodium/low junkfood diet for life to try and prevent HBP or just take some BP medications?

I’ve been taking Enalapril for years given the evidence for life extension. However, a recent paper suggested that central-acting inhibitors such as Captopril have less adverse effects than peripheral-acting inhibitors such as Enalapril. So I swapped.
I went to the local chemist and got 40 x 25 Mg tablets for about 25 cents (equivalent)! LOL

Does it matter how your blood pressure got lowered?

I don’t know, I haven’t researched this, I will be more interested once I get the Aktiia bracelet to monitor it 24/7 (10 measurements a day and during night). Around 100 systolic seems good:

My intuition is that it doesn’t matter really just like with LDL cholesterol, but of course some treatments are safer than others or have other beneficial effects aside from BP lowering.

It’s really a shame that all the B-blockers get lumped together in analyses like this. Nebivolol, for instance (as discussed in another thread) has properties that make it different (vasodilation and B-3 agonism).