I went to pick up my prescription for Acarbose but the pharmacist ( in Canada) told me he was unable to get it as it was discontinued. Anyone else heard anything about this?
Just ordered some last week (Amazon Pharmacy US).
Acarbose is a very old medication that is rarely used in North America these days as there are many other better medications for diabetes with fewer side effects (for cultures where wheat is a predominant part of diets - which when combined with acarbose tends to result in a lot of gas and GI distress).
So - Its not surprising if its been discontinued in Canada. The new longevity use is quite recent research, and acarbose has predominantly used in south east Asia, Africa, etc.
I use 25 mg dose Acarbose and never have any GI discomfort. I don’t eat wheat though. Not sure if that small dose does anything.
Can confirm that they’ve also discontinued it in the EU.
Looks like they made a public announcement about this in July 2023:
I believe that’s just for one manufacturer.