As is known, the superoxide dismutase enzyme (SOD) forms the first defense barrier for free oxygen radicals that emerge in the electron transport system in the mitochondria and converts free oxygen radicals into h2o2. h2o2 is then converted into water by glutathione and catalase and excreted from the cell. Mitochondrial SOD is a manganese-dependent enzyme. From this point of view, it is an important trace element. What do you think about manganese? Is there anyone who has taken manganese taxis?
Thank you for sharing this. There is a form of manganese called ‘manganese citrate’ which in the context of mitochondria might be important too (see @John_Hemming for further details on proteome changes resulting from reduction in mitochondrial efficiency with ageing)
I started taking 5mg of Manganese 7 or 8 months ago based on the possibility of both the SOD thing and for arterial plaque reduction. But I also do a little thing with it, 5 days at 5mg and 2 days at 10mg.
I measure my PWV every morning and it has gone down, this is an indication of improved arterial elasticity.