A spoonful of olive oil daily could save your brain from dementia

Good question… perhaps this helps:


Thank you RapAdmin for this info. Seems the answer to Olive Oil supplementation as NO!

Yes - I think I’ll just be buying high oleocanthal olive oil and using it liberally on foods…


I always thought it was crazy that the olive oil fanatics were pouring olive oil on everything. Sure it has some health benefits, but it also has a lot of calories. I spend my precious calories on fish, whole fruit and veg./nuts. I’m targeting fiber and a diversity of phytonutrients. A tablespoon a day or with rapa sounds good; I might do that.


If you buy online, would appreciate a link to the brand/type you buy.

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I’ve tried the Graza and the Bertolli. Love them both.

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As I’m an olive oil enthusiast I get them from freshpressedoliveoil.com

IMHO the biggest benefit from olive oil is that it makes vegetables taste good. I think the real benefit is in the vegetables, not in the substance with an extremely high calorie count per unit of beneficial phenolics. The Okinawans who made it to 100 and beyond did not use any olive oil.

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From their site:
“Supermarket oils can sit on shelves for many months, growing stale, musty, even rancid”
That is just marketing hype.
Any olive oil that comes from Europe, the Middle East, or South America is certainly going to spend weeks if not months from the time of harvesting and transport time spent on ships and in ports to the time it reaches distributer shelves in the U.S.
I am not an enthusiast, gourmet-wise, but single estate cold pressed EVOO from single-estate California groves is the kind I buy from Costco. And, I am certain it is fresher than most if not all imports. Costco labels have harvest and best use-by dates which I trust.
I do not trust the EVOO labels from most foreign countries unless it is backed by a prominent US distributor.



Do not recall from where, supposedly EVOO from small producers in Morocco have the highest content of polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol. Due to the harsh environment the trees suffer from hormesis and produce extra compounds to survive.

Attached is a PDF copy of a study.

The study was sponsored by a producer, keep than in mind as you review. The paper does have good basic information…

clinical-study-OO-morocco.pdf (3.7 MB)


That may be true. But, the imported olive oil industry is rampant with fraud and they often lie about sourcing.

“More than two-thirds of common brands of extra-virgin olive oil found in grocery stores aren’t what they claim to be.”

Maybe California olive oil does not have the " highest content of polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol", but, it is very affordable, and since I live right next door, I will trust California olive oils and I probably take a little more than the average user does


I find that EVOO helps the absorption of some powders when they are mixed in. For instance, I mix NMN with my EVOO and I feel that I get more out of it than when I take it sublingual or orally without EVOO. I add piperine and tumeric to the mixture too.

I also drop my Rapa into my shot of EVOO. I believe the coating of EVOO helps some supplements make it through the digestive tract without getting broken down as much thereby enhancing their effects.


I put one ounce (2 tbsp) of imported EVOO into my protein/creatine/metamucil/NMN/parsley shake every day, makes it taste better too.


Do me a favor, make it two spoons per day lol. Yes two spoon of olive oil has 180 calories but those are golden calories my friend. By the way make sure it is organic extra virgin. I always buy Costco organic olive oil, $16 per two liters, real cheap. Read somewhere it is one of the best, as tested by some professional testers.


In Europe Portugal, Spain, France, Italy have most centenarians and they use mostly olive oil.


JUST ORDERED. Will replace when I run out. Will take a tablespoon a day and will use it instead of butter.

Twisted Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 25.4oz



Yep, and a lot of people who did not live on Okinawa also lived to be 100


What do you mean? How long did your dad use olive oil and what happened that you feel it did not work for your dad?

Way too expensive for just olive oil. doesn’t even have the organic stamp on it. I buy Costco organic 2 liter for $13.99 and your selection has a cost of $36 per 750ml. To me the flavor (other than original/natural) is useless (and unnecessary processing/mixing) so I would not even look for a flavored olive oil. BTW, I watched once a program on a channel (forgot which one) in which they had tested over 50 brands of extra virgin olive oil, and some were fakes (mixed with other oils) some were low quality etc… and the Costco organic one was 100% original extra virgin olive oil and it was rated as the #3 best on the list. Good enough for me especially given how cheap it is and it is organically grown.


Since there is no way for me to test the purity of the olive oil or how long it has been sitting on a shelf I opted to go to a local retailer who has been in the community for a long time.

Sounds like we watch the same shows and read the same material. And while Consumer Reports can test the purity of a bottle of olive oil, I do not have the time and money to do that, hence my purchase.