A Drug to Treat Aging May Not Be a Pipe Dream - Wired

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Thanks for this.

I need to see about getting on dasatinib when I see my GP in 3 months. Everything is going well but why not better. I already have quercetin - which I take off and on - maybe more on is better.


What form of Quercetin are you taking? I read that it’s not easily absorbed. I’m trying now quercetin phytosome with Vit C and Zink.

I am taking this 500 mg.

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I also take bromelian separately from time to time especially if under the weather. It really helped me to fight Covid (imo) that I got couple weeks ago. After 6 days I already tested negative. Had complete bloodwork done after that: my triglycerides which were always low spiked much, as well as A1C. All the rest was within normal range.

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I have always heard that quercetin is a ‘booster’ for dasatanib and fisetin, but by itself it is not all that effective.Icould be wrong though.

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I think a lot of senolytics are moreso senomorphics. However, I have not studied the research papers enough to be certain which are.