A cure for ageing? Meet the startups hunting for eternal youth (The Times)

The Times of London did a story on last week’s Longevity Summit last.

A cure for ageing? Meet the startups hunting for eternal youth

In Silicon Valley, new biotechs are battling to unlock the secret to regeneration and find a cure for getting old

Inside a rounded, marble-clad building on a hill in northern California, Ronjon Nag, a British professor and entrepreneur, stepped up to the dais last week to explain what he admitted is a “pretty wacky” idea. The 61-year-old British entrepreneur wants to develop a vaccine for ageing, and has started a company called Agemica — based in Palo Alto, California, and Surrey — to do just that.

“You take it, and you stop ageing. That’s step one,” he said. “Step two is, how can you reverse it?”

The assembled scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs at a Longevity Summit organised by the Buck Institute, a research non-governmental organisation (NGO) focused on ageing, barely batted an eye at the notion of a “cure”, or prophylactic, for getting old. Which speaks to a quiet revolution that has taken hold in the scientific community. Instead of targeting individual conditions, such as heart disease, cancer and weakened immune systems, that become more prevalent the older we get, many “geroscientists” believe that diseases of ageing share similar biological roots.

Full text of the story here: https://archive.ph/2qE8q#selection-2611.0-2621.313

My overview of what I thought were the more interesting startups: Highlights from the 2023 Longevity Summit

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Some of the slides from Ronjon Nag’s presentation. It wasn’t too detailed on what their scientific approach is, so it was hard to evaluate it.


The Buck Institute… which the Times described as…

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