Great results. What is your exercise frequency (as an average over the past few years)? Mix of Cardio and other activities? Weights? Minutes/hours per week or day?
For the past 20 years have been an avid mountain biker and hiker. Moved to Colorado 6400’ elevation 4 years ago so that is a factor. Also ski. Have a pullup bar in the house. Don’t go to the gym at all.
To keep in shape in winter bought a Carol bike last Oct and then Kaatsu bands in Dec of last year.
The Kaatsu bands have definitely made a difference in strength as I was stuck at 10 pullups and 25 pushups for years and couldn’t get better. Do Carol bike and Kaatsu with light weights every other day.
IMO mountain biking has been the most important factor. Strength, endurance, VO2 max, balance, reaction time and even a zen mind are all improved.
As a support for this was an experience I had in 2018. Had been mountain biking every day and was in Vallejo CA when I crashed and broke my hip. The surgeon told me half the people my age (66) who broke their hip were dead in 6 months and even if he did surgery I would like limp and have arthritis and like take me a year to recover maybe 2 years before I could ski.
Well, 8 weeks after surgery, I hoped on my bike and road as If I had not had broken my hip. Skied a couple of months later. Six year now and I don’t limp, have any pain and am as active as I was at 35.