70 is the new 30? Inspiring Stories of Healthy Longevity

And another 92 year old…

The 92-year-old Hiroo Tanaka ran 60 meters in 10.95s


This might be the best Paris 2024 story: Zeng Zhiying made her Olympics debut at 58-years old.

Born in China, she is now representing Chile in table tennis because of an incredible journey.

At age 18, she expected to go to the Olympics for her birth country, China, as one of the best players in the world.

But then table tennis changed out the two-sided paddles, and her game was thrown off.

She never made the team and became incredibly frustrated with the sport. She retired from the game as a player at age 20. Shortly after, she moved to Chile and coached various table tennis teams.

Then, in 2000, she decided to get a “real job” and step away from the game. For 20 years, she didn’t play. Then, in COVID, she bought a table and started playing again.

She made it a goal to make the 2024 Olympics representing Chile. And, at age 58, she did it!

The human brain is crazy powerful, and it can prevent us from continuing something we love or help us persevere through times when the odds are heavily stacked against us.

What an inspiration to follow your dreams.



The oldest Olympians might hold the key to slowing down aging


Another inspiring woman here, disregarding obvious plug for supplement company aside. Now she should get on the Rapa!


Her most recent foray into record breaking came when she became the oldest person to perform an abdominal plank (female) at the age of 80 years 244 days.

She had to hold the plank for at least three minutes to qualify.

But mum-of-two Annie has been breaking records for years.

She first became the oldest competitive rope skipper (female) when she was 75 years 92 days old… and she’s still at it, last updating her record earlier this year when she competed in the Southern California Open at age 80 years 156 days.

She’s also become somewhat of a fitness influencer, with over 65,500 followers on Instagram.

Annie’s Youtube Channel:


I like how she does a large variety of athletic activities, including both intense and moderate, while keeping an eye on joint safety.

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I don’t think that video demonstrates rejuvenation at 60 and 70 years old but good fitness, but I’m unsure what would be rejuvenation. :thinking:


The sixty year old dude’s belly button is a a fold of skin… no definition. And although muscled…
He has very loose skin in stomach.

On rapamycin 4 years, my belly button is round tight. My skin is not loose at all in the belly and I am six and a half yesrs older. The difference between rapamycin regeneration and pure exercise.

I’ll take the rapamycin body.


Larry Ellison, billionaire founder of Oracle, is an incredibly fit 80 year old and he’s been using Rapamycin since he was 70. Coincidence?

When I see him talking, I don’t see an 80 year old. I see a 50 year old.

What else is this guy doing/taking?


Chris - I have to concur - he is rocking 80 in looks & body. Nice!
Even his arm skin is not thinned, brown… mottled, or bruised.

Immediate sign of old age are the hands and arm skin. Rapamycin benefits noted when I researched it before using it - purported to stave off degradation and aging of skin. My hands and arm skin looks great and elasticity rocks compared to similar aged guys I meet.


I suspect he’s had a ton of work over the years…

Source: x.com

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/comments/198c8ea/is_no_one_gonna_talk_about_how_good_larry_ellison/


I was hoping that maybe it was some combination of Rapamycin, lipid control, and some other secret sauce. :smile:


He seems vigorous, that’s probably the best marker of rejuvenation at 80 than anything else. You can age your skin a lot with a lot of UVA radiation for example, so appearance can be aged.

Quick mind (if someone had it to begin with), quick reflexes, quick movement, strength (grip strength) through the nervous system, or am I wrong? I don’t think it’s enough to train strength and fitness but needs rejuvenation therapies that target entire nervous system and brain?


Sometimes I think that the media and Bryan read this site quite often… And that’s perfectly wonderful IMHO.

Full story (without paywall): The 80-year-old billionaire Larry Ellison wins plaudits for looking 30 years younger, with the longevity fanatic Bryan Johnson weighing in (Business Insider)


It seems like it is a shelling point. Over time people will come here, thinking it’s like an important meeting, in D.C, and they see the people wearing flip-flops and a t-shirt, so they must truly know what they’re doing. The question is, do they?


On Ellison (and I still suspect he’s had a ton of work):

In a 2018 Quora thread, Gina Smith, the former boss of one of Ellison’s startups, said his more youthful appearance is due to a lot of exercise and a meticulous diet.

She said Ellison worked out for several hours daily when she worked with him in the 1990s and 2000s.

“He never drank anything other than green tea and water,” Smith said. “And he’s a so-called ‘veg-aquarian.’”

She said this meant he ate vegetables, fish, and fruit.

“Larry’s been doing this since I first met him in the early 90s. It shows,” Smith said.


Regardless of the work Larry may have done, I compare him to my 77-year-old father (who’s no slouch) and Larry is definitely younger in many areas versus my dad. He’s doing something right.

Maybe that’s being a billionaire for you. :wink:

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One area I did find surprisingly youthful was his voice…


He was funding aging research a while ago

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