16 research studies and trials around Rapamycin

These are the key Rapamycin studies and trials that I keep an eye on and which will start publishing lots of interesting data within the near future. Here are some comments on some of these

  1. One important highlight is the sub-trial in dog aging project TRIAD where they look after the healthspan efficacy of Rapamycin in companion dogs. It’s very sad that the NIH has decided to not continue to fund the dog aging project. This may impact future Rapamycin trials and other important trials for keeping our pets living a longer and healthier life. One very easy way to support the dog aging project is to just digitally sign your name on the page below. Just do it!
  1. Big congratulation to Brad Stanfield’s hard work in finally succeeding with funding his Rapamycin trial! This trial will start looking at the effects of Rapamycin on muscle performance in elderly.

  2. One other great step is that Jonathan An’s trial got approved at the end of last year where they will start to look at the effects of Rapamycin on dental health and more specifically periodontal disease.

  3. Andrea Maier got quite recently also her Rapamycin trial conditionally approved. So one step forward also there!

  4. Joan Mannick is doing promising preclinical trials to look at the effects of the rapalog TOR101 on the aged immune system. Hopefully this year we will see a first clinical trial starting around that.

  5. Aubrey de Grey is fundraising for the RMR 2 cocktail study in mice. The RMR studies are trying to combine different longevity interventions with each other to create powerful additive or synergistic effects. This is very well aligned with what the Rapamycin Longevity Lab also focuses on. On the below page you can support the RMR 2 study. By the way, on my account you can also find some interesting posts on the results from the RMR 1 study.
    2023 Fundraiser — LEV Foundation

If I have missed some great trial to keep an eye on just let me know!