16α-Hydroxyestrone - how to source?

given that now it’s ITP-tested? Is it less feminizing than estradiol?


Thought the same but given I take 17-A already and my stack is so large…stopped trying, but would be good to know :blush:

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I couldn’t find it on made-in-china searching by name or CAS, but got some hits here.

I’ll email a Chinese chemical supplier that I trust, but I don’t see it in his catalog.

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But would it be redundant to take with 17-alpha? Matt Kaberline went through a long list of life extenders recently… lots of estrogens. How many does a man need?


Are you using the german hair product? If you don’t mind my asking, also the protocol.


I was using the hair product but now consuming 0.5ml of pomegranate seed oil daily.


Ok, so I found this one right away:

A gallon will last me right at 21 years using .5 ml/day and it’s about a penny a day.

Obviously not the answer, since it will be rancid but this is a great solution. Thanks @Walter_Brown !

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Can you share more about this?

Most of the pomegranate sees oils are labeled not for ingestion. I found this one. What benefits are you seeing @Walter_Brown?


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I found this for the amount of 17-alpha-estradiol in PSO:https://www.justglow.co.uk/blogs/news/pomegranate-oil
So at 17-α-Estradiol 3.000 mg/kg, assuming ~.9kg=1 liter for the oil, 1 mg would be around 300 mL.


If it’s 3000 mg/kg and 1 liter is 1 kg, it is 3 mg per mL. So that would be 900 mg, not 1 mg.

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My source doesn’t have either 16 or 17 alpha.

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I read that pomegranate seed oil contained 17-A and started taking 0.5ml per day with the idea that this should equate to about 1-1.5 mg per day. I’m not sure of the actual 17-A contents of the pomegranate seed oil but have noticed a benefit to my skin and blood pressure. Although I also started targeting these with other interventions (e.g. telmisartan) at around the same time.


I found this one:


Although 17b-estradiol (E2) and 17a-estradiol, estrone, estriol, coumes-
terol, and testosterone have all been reported in pomegranate seeds (16),
some studies have failed to find them (17,18). However, linoleic and linolenic
acids isomers (Figure 1) are the main ingredients in pomegranate seed oil
(19). If these isomers bind to estrogen receptors ERa and ERb with high affin-
ity, they may account for observed estrogenic activity of pomegranate seed oil
in vivo (20). Estrogen receptors ERa and ERb have high affinity for E2, the
strongest naturally occurring estrogenic steroid in women, and both receptors
occur in normal and malignant breast tissues (16). But ligands possessing low
pharmacological activity but specific affinity for ERb may prevent breast cancer
(7,21), providing also benefit for blood pressure control and maintenance of
vascular integrity (22), brain development (23), antiaging (24–27), and espe-
cially reduction of adverse symptoms in postmenopausal women (28,29).
To assess the putative role of linolenic acid isomers as phytoestrogens,
the relative ER binding efficacies of pomegranate-derived compounds were
measured in human breast cancer cell lines. Tamoxifen, a selective estrogen
receptor modulator (SERM) whose ER binding is well known, was utilized
in these studies as a positive control.

I think you can just eat this and it will get in…don’t know about the efficiency but it is a thing with soy. I think it’s really good that it’s bioidentical, it actually contains both estrogen and 17 alpha.

I don’t really understand what they’re saying above in the study and it would be great to get comment from somebody that understands the situation. Maybe one of the doctors? But the best way to figure out if it works might be to actually use it in the ITP instead of whatever they’re using. Lol, fat chance.


16α-Hydroxyestrone (16α-OH-E1 ), or hydroxyestrone , also known as estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,16α-diol-17-one , is an endogenous steroidal estrogen and a major metabolite of estrone, as well as an intermediate in the biosynthesis of estriol