Your Cells Are Starving for Creatine - Chris MasterJohn

Creatinine test is also highly sensitive to hydration status.

Being underhydrated will give higher values. See below.

The March 1 and 8 values reflect driinking a couple quarts of water before the test. The other values, no such effort.

If you are fasting for other tests, make sure you still drink a lot of water so the result here is not overstated.


They bother you at night when taken in AM? Good to know.

Yes. (20 characters)

I think sleep disruption from mk7 is probably a result of an increase in atp. Hence coq10 is likely the same.

This is a bit off topic, but high doses (5 mg) of MK-4 also worsen my insomnia. The half-life of MK-4 is not long, but as I understand it, it still gets stored in the body for a longer period. I was thinking of trying a small dose of MK-4 (0.1 mg) next, though it’s another question whether it will have any benefit.

What is everyone doing re creatine?
Are yo still taking it and what dose
Or are people opting for glycine and arginine(or citrulline) and betaine?
I’m thinking of running a n=1 trial


I take 5 g of Creatine a day. Also taking Glycine, Citrulline and TMG daily.


I started creatine probably at age ~15. Now 40. Never had any lengthy time off of it. Occasional missed day I imagine. I take 5g daily, but on days with suboptimal sleep I’ll increase to 10-20g based on the recent creatine/sleep deprivation study.


Like Chris I take 5 g a day (past 4 months) and an extra shot of 5 g in an espresso coffee before going to the gym in the evening. I think it really helps push me through my work out better, stronger and easier.


Yes, 5g/day. Tried life without creatine and it was no good. Everything works better with.


Since starting 4 months ago or so, I am up about 8 pounds of muscle… great stuff.

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I’ve never felt anything from creatine but I take 5g / day regularly (it’s one of the “no-brainers” — science proof wise) and 10-20g when I sleep badly (advice from an old bodybuilder). After a poor sleep is the only time I think I feel it…less afternoon sleepiness. Maybe it’s the dose…

I’ve been taking creatine off and on since 1990’s. In the old days i noticed two effects: (1) fast recovery from a muscle pump (I was rock climbing then) and (2) increased cramping. I don’t get cramping now-a-days or need to recover from a muscle pump. So I’m just hoping for brain benefits.


Was so bloated on even a very low dose of creatine monohydrate that I stopped. But now am “microdosing” 125 mg of creatine HCL (half of a ConCret gummy). Any thoughts on this? any benefits from a dose this low? (the bottle says that for my weight I should take 3 gummies or 750 mg). I will gradually increase if there are no side effects.

I once heard Chris Masterjohn say that he takes a small dose like that. Maybe he’s changed his ways now. It was when he was on with Peter Attia.


I use Krealkalyn. it has reduced the bloated feeling I get from Creatine monohydrate. Placebo? I don’t think so.


Can you please tell what brand of Krealkalyn you use?

I live in Sweden and buy a swedish brand of Krealkalyn powder. Is that something you can consider, I send a link to you? if not then, I recommend going for an internationally recognized brand like NOW-Sports.


Thank you for responding – I will try the NOW brand as I am in the US.


Latest Physionic video on Creatine.

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