Triglyercerides and Insulin (with a touch of cholesterol)

That actually seems like a great weight. I would not worry about that.

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@LaraPo - Yes, I agree that the Rapamune could be part of the equation. I still would follow trends, make sure your carb count is reasonable and even consider adding Metformin vs. using a lower dose. These are just a few thoughts.

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If your weight is that low, I agree with @rivasp12 about checking with endocrine to r/o other issues.

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My thyroid was checked and it’s good. Parathyroid as well. Ovaries seem to be normal. All bio markers are within normal range besides high LDL. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not loosing weight. My weight is the same all my adult life (+/- 5 lb). I’m mostly vegetarian and don’t consume more than 1400 cal/day. I also exercise every day, averaging 9000 steps/day. In addition Rapa mimics starvation and I’ve been on it for 12 years. With all that, it’s difficult to gain weight unless I start eating much more and move much less. I’m not used to eating much though. If I add Metformin, gaining weight would become even harder.

@LaraPo - I really think you are doing a great job! I forgot about the Rapa use for transplant. Weight is tricky with you because multiple factors that can affect your transplant balance. Higher protein can be a little rough on kidneys. Metformin can be compounded in a transdermal form, but with your long use of Rapa, weight not high, insulin controlled and only minimal changes of A1C and LDL, I am not sure big moves would be worth it. Consider a calcium score test vs. CIMT. Otherwise, I think you are way ahead of most.

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Compounding transdermal Metformin is a great advice! Will address it with my GP. Thanks a lot!

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