Thorne gut health analysis

Here’s my updated Thorne report. Reflects to samples, three months apart.

After acting on some of the recommendations in the first report, I find that I no longer need to take a PPI. I used to get nauseous and weak if a stopped for a few days, but I’ve gone months now without and no problems.

Still several areas to work on improving.

thorne gust health two samples.pdf (2.6 MB)


@anon16510610 thanks for posting this. What is your diet? Any thoughts on diet interventions to impact your score?

Thanks. I’m thinking of taking that test. I’m also planning to interview Dr Nathan Price who runs that organization.

FYI. Long term PPI seems to be a cause of gut issues, according to people I’ve interviewed. It also interferes with NO production from food.

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I just ran across this Thorne video that discusses the gut health report. Recommend skipping to 17:30.

As a bonus, here is an informed (but three years old) analysis of the various stool test and microbiome reports on the market. A comprehensive guide to stool and microbiome testing - Lucy Mailing, PhD

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