Synthetic Biology Conference Next Week in Oakland, CA

Many people are predicting significant overlap of the longevity biotech and synthetic biology fields:

Watched this talk by Prof Church yesterday after it was shared in a news letter….

… quite amazing stuff

Helps one understand why he thinks that longevity escape velocity night not be that far off.

He was recently quoted as below

Professor George Church of Harvard Medical School echoes a similar timeframe.

According to Dr. Church, “The exponential technologies that have improved the speed and cost of reading, writing and editing of DNA and gene therapies, now apply to the category of aging reversal.”

He adds: “I think age-reversal advances could mean that we reach longevity escape velocity in a decade or two, within the range of the next one or two rounds of clinical trials.”

So, what does that mean?

Can we extend the healthy human lifespan past today’s record of 122? Can humans live past 200 years? Or even indefinitely?

Summary of talk - it’s quite short, so recommend watching it.

In this talk, Dr. George Church discusses the current advancements in affordable gene and cell therapies aimed at age-related diseases, including their potential for significantly improving health outcomes. It includes a discussion about advancements in genomic engineering, particularly focusing on the use of CRISPR technology to modify pig organs for human transplantation and developing resistance to various forms of damage.

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One of the panels from the conference last week, on the intersection of longevity and synthetic biology:

This special episode features a panel discussion moderated by Chris Patil at the 2023 SynBioBeta conference. The panel brings together leaders from the synthetic biology and longevity communities to explore opportunities for collaboration and cross-pollination between these fields. Panelists discuss the talent bottleneck in longevity research, challenges in translating new discoveries into therapies, the need for improved communication and education, and a shared vision for transforming health and society. The conversation covers existing resources for learning about longevity science, as well as calls to build new communities and networks to accelerate progress. Overall, the panel makes a compelling case that by coming together, synthetic biologists and longevity advocates can achieve breakthroughs that neither field could accomplish alone.


  • Nathan Cheng, Longevity Biotech Fellowship
  • Stephanie Dainow,
  • Daniel Goodman, UCSF
  • Kat Kajderowicz, MIT/Whitehead
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Another new podcast on Synthetic biology for extending lifespan:

Using Synthetic Biology To Extend Lifespan With Dr. Nan Hao