Rilmenidine vs Telmisartan or other BP meds for Longevity

IMO it’s a very good BP! Why to add another drug?

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Wow, that’s a long wait and you’re in the UK. I’m thinking of ordering and being in Canada I expect a longer wait. However, I did see a unit on Amazon and the promised delivery time seems reasonable.

I would guess that those on Amazon are the old models. I ordered the “new Aktiia” which is (supposed to be) waterproof, smaller and more accurate.

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Anybody figure out how to circumvent the country restriction to be able to download and use the Aktiia app in the US?

You can probably use a separate phone with the app store / google play store region set in a European country. The Aktiia app is free so you don’t need a European credit card.

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See this thread/post: Has Anyone Seen a Rise in Blood Pressure Using Rapamycin? - #239 by RapAdmin


@ageless64 thanks for starting the thread. It made me look into how important is to keep BP low enough with current research.
I decided I would stay on Telmisartan and if needed use Amlopidine as a combination treatment. The optimal ratio of Telmisartan to Amlopidine is said to be 6: 1. Here is some research on Telmisartan:

Telmisartan is also unique in its ability to reduce fasting plasma glucose and increase adiponectin and insulin sensitivity (in addition to its anti-hypertensive properties)

And the fact that “The ITP is currently testing the ARB telmisartan, although in combination with atorvastatin. I find this a little odd considering they’ve tested neither drug in isolation, but at least a positive result would provide further support for telmisartan.” @jnorm


I think they are trying to see if lower cholesterol and BP affects mouse longevity. I have a feeling it probably won’t as mice almost always die from cancer. However we know that LDL and BP do affect human lifespan. This is why mouse models don’t always apply to humans.


Telmisartan alone and in combination can be ordered from India at very low prices.

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Also statins can increase sugar levels while telmisartan increases insulin sensitivity so the combination could balance things out and have a neutral effect on glucose, while having positive effects on cholesterol + BP, in addition to telmisartan’s systemic benefits on mitochondrial and endothelial health. However, statin alone failed and sartan alone failed (candesartan, not telmisartan though), so the combination is unlikely to succeed, but it’s worth trying and if it does it may be informative about the potential of other combinations (GlyNac comes first to my mind) where (a + b combined) >>> (a alone) + (b alone).


before you stop the Ramipril, read the Hope Trial
New Engl J Med 2000; 342:154-160 . The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) Study Investigators. Effects of ramipril on cardiovascular and microvascular outcomes in people with diabetes mellitus: results of the HOPE study and Micro-HOPE substudy.

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For blood pressure, lowering homocysteine also lowers blood pressure;

I have a MTHFR mutation which causes higher homocysteine levels;

I started daily supplementing with methyl folate and trimethylglycine (as recommended by and my homocysteine went down, as did my BP.

Interesting, thanks. I have rs1801133(T;T) (homozygous for C677T of MTHFR = 10-20% efficiency in processing folic acid = high homocysteine, low B12 and folate levels) and a tendency to elevated BP as well :thinking:

Do you take 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF)?

Have you considered nitrous oxide? Maybe take a look at &Bryan Nitriceutical. Arginine not that helpful for me. Tons of info like this:


Yes, I take the one from Jarrow

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This is also a good read about homocysteine reduction;

Since I started using the methyl folate, trimethylglycine and eating more choline rich food (at least 3 eggs a day), I have much less brain fog / more mental clarity


Good news for those interested in Aktiia, here’s an update on my order from Dec 29th:

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Mice mostly die from cancer so it’s not surprising to me. I also wonder how skewed the results will be in ITP toward anti-cancer agents.


Many report, anecdotes, that choline can create depression.

Which animals die from CVD and could be better models for statins?